Mama Steve and Papa Billy

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It was the next morning and the two older boys had woken up and gone downstairs to see the kids sleeping still, spread across Steve's living room. Max and Eleven were curled up together on the sofa, El laying on top of Max, Max's chin resting on El's head. All the boys were on the floor, Will was asleep next to Mike their fingers intertwined loosely. Steve chuckled a bit at how cute they were together. Lucas was not that far away from the tv and Dustin was spread in the middle of the room.

The two older teens went into the kitchen to make breakfast because they thought the kids might be hungry when they woke up. They were right. The kids walked into the kitchen all of them looking like zombies.

"Hey kids want something to eat" Steve chirped

"Is Mama Steve and Papa Billy making us breakfast" El said sweetly, Max starts giggling which confuses her very innocent friend. Billy freezes for a second before snapping at Max

"Shut up, and go sit at the table breakfast is ready" Billy's yelling frightens The kids making them jump and scurry off to the dinning room

Billy sets pancakes in front of everyone making sure he gives Max hers last glaring at her while giving them to her. Billy and Steve take a seat and eat their breakfast along with the kids, the conversation is mostly about the boys last D&D game. In a strange way it's nice like their a family, the family Billy didn't really have since his Mum left.

They finish up their food and Steve washes the dishes. The kids go to sit in the living room with Billy along side them to keep an eye on them.

"So Billy. Will this be a regular occurrence? You know of you being around, like a babysitter, like Steve" asks El sweetly, Eleven is the only one confident enough to ask these kind of things everyone else is too scared.

"Um I don't know" Billy replies looking in his lap

"Well it's nice have you as well as Mama Steve, makes it easier for him" Will chimes in shyly

"Seriously why do you call him that?" Billy questions

"Not sure it just kind of happened. We're around Steve more than our own parents, well other than miss Byers" Dustin explains, Billy just nods.

"What are you guys talking about?" Steve asks when he comes into the living room

"We were asking Billy if he would stick around" Max informs him

"Oh. Well what do you say? Are ya gonna stick around?" Steve turns and asks Billy

"I mean only if you guys want me to" he says looking at the kids. They let outs a chorus of yeahs.

"Well then I guess it's settled. We have Mama Steve and Papa Billy." El says making Max giggle again. Billy could actually get used to the name, it was nice, he always thought the kids were annoying and he laughed at Steve for hanging around with them. But they've all been through so much together and now they are really close and kind to one another.

"Yeah I guess it is" Steve smiles at Billy "So what are we going to do today?" The kids all just shrug, ever since they closed the gate there hasn't really been anything to do.

"How about we go swim in your pool?" Lucas suggests, the kids all nod in agreement

"Wait but you guys don't have swimming costumes" Steve reminds them

"Well looks like we need to go and get them. Who's up for a trip home?" Mike says. In an instant the kids are at the door putting their shoes on. Steve and Billy just watch and laugh, it was nice being like this. Like a family.

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