No way! Really?!

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Eleven and Max we're having their first sleepover at Hoppers cabin in the woods. They did girly things like paint their nails, do their hair and talk about how annoying and stupid boys can be. A normal sleepover. They had decided to play a game where they have a piece of paper with a few names on and they spin the bottle to see who El was going to spy on.

"Should we spin again?" Max asks "he's a bit boring" El just nods and spins the bottle again. This time it lands on Billy's name

"Ok just to warn you" Max says as El begins to put on the blind fold "if he's with a girl or doing something weird get out of there, I don't want you to have that kind of traumatic experience"  she says while tuning on the radio to the annoying buzzing

Eleven walks around, water soaking her bare feet, until she finally finds Billy. "Found him" she informs Max

"What's he doing, nothing gross I hope" Max giggles

"Mm Billy shhhhhhh would you be quiet we are so gonna get caught"

"He's with someone" El once again informs Max "If it's a girl get out of there right now" Max says not very jokingly like the first time

"Steve?" El Asks a little confused as the image disappears leaving her in darkness. She pulls off the blindfold and sees Max staring at her with curious eyes "Steve was there?" She asks curiously

"Y-yeah t-they W-were" El stumbles over her words "THEY WERE WHAT" Max yells making the other girl jump "sorry I didn't mean to yell I was just curious" she apologies "what were they doing" she asks again, this time gentler

"S-Steve and B-Billy they were ........ kissing" El slightly stutters "No way! Really?!" Makes jumps up looking confused

"Should we confront them? Neil would kill Billy if he found out" Max mumbles to herself as she paces the room "Do you know where they are?" Max asks when she finally stops pacing. "Steve's I think" she reply's "So are we going to sneak out and confront them or what?" Max asks El just shrugs and says "sound like fun" as they both dart out the door.

"Hey girls where do you think your going?" Hopper questions looking at them from the kitchen

"We're going to Steve's" El admits

"Steve's? Why?" He asks getting suspicious

"He said he'll do our hair, he's really good at it" Max chimes in

"Hmm very well but you better be back before ten and no boys, got it?" He says as both the girls shake their heads in agreement and dart out the front door.

"Girls these days" Hopper shakes his head

At Steve's house

"Mm Billy shhhhhh we are so gonna get caught" Steve laughs through kisses, Billy pulls away "your parents aren't even home they're on a business trip" He grabs Steve's hips and pulls him in for another kiss. "Oh yeah forgot about that"

"Ok El do you know what room they were in?" Max questions

"Kitchen I think" she reply's as the girls sneak around to the kitchen window

"There they are and oh you were right they are kissing" Max giggles "I think you had too many sweets" El giggles back at her.

"What are you two doing" asks a voice from behind the two girls, they both turn around ready for a fight "whoa whoa I'm not here to hurt you I was walking by and saw you two looking through the window, I'm Robin" she says as the girls relax

" Steve's friend Robin" Eleven states "yeah" Robin says "so will you tell me what you're doing now?" She asks

"We're spying on Billy and Steve" Max says cheerfully

"Billy? Steve hates Billy." Robin says looking from one girl to another "so why are they kissing?" El asks Max

"They're kissing?" Robins confusion written all over her face as she pushes past and looks in the window completely shocked "My god"

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