You've got to be kidding me?!

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"Billy?" Steve asks

"Hey princess" Billy smirks back

"You've got to be kidding me?!" Dustin complains "Why are you here"

"The girls wanted to come" the older boy shrugs as the two girls glide over to where the three of them stood.

"Well since we're here might as well have fun" El giggles "come on Dustin let's leave Mama and Papa alone"

"Yeah come on Dustin let's leave the two lovers to have a date" Max giggles along with her girlfriend as they take off again

Dustin sighs "You owe me big time" he says as he glides off after the girls

"Guess it's just you and me Steve" Billy smiles at his boyfriend

"They went in my head didn't they" he grumbles back

"Don't be mad they did it for me, they knew I wanted to be with you and so they found out where you were and got me to take them there and here we are" Billy explains trying to defend his sister and her girlfriend who he had become quite fond of

"Fine" Steve says gripping onto the older boys arm "but I'm not good at skating you know" he says away trying to hide his face

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'll teach you" Billy smirks. Steve rolled his eyes but still let's his boyfriend drag him along

Over with Max, El and Dustin

"You guys ruined my day" Dustin pouts

"Sorry" Both girls says apologetically

"But aren't those two so cute together!" El beams looking over at their babysitter and his boyfriend, Max giggles at her girlfriends cuteness

"They may be cute together but that doesn't mean that they have to be together 24/7 seriously today was our day" Dustin complains

"Their in the honeymoon phase once this passes they'll be a bit more separate and not feeling like they need to be together all the time it always happens  at the begin of relationships. We just have to wait for it to pass and then we'll have more time to spend with them when their not together" El comforts.

Dustin sighs "but what if it never goes away and their like this forever" he whines

"Seriously you need to get a girlfriend. Or boyfriend. I don't know which way you swing" Max says now getting pissed off at how Whitney her friend is being

"I've tried" he once again pouts

Eleven rubs his arm gently "the right person will come you just have to wait" she soothes. Dustin nods before skating around again, the two girls follow closely behind.

After an hour of skating the older boys gathered up the younger three heading them out of the building and into the cars.

"So Steve" Dustin looks up at his older friend. Steve looks down at him waiting for him to continue "did you manage to go five minutes without falling on your ass"

Steve grits his teeth before calming himself down and replying "yes In fact I did" he says, proud of himself. "Billy's a much better teacher than you" he adds

Now it's Dustin's turn to be mad "ok you two get in the car" Billy shooes them over to Steve's car and within a second both boys had forgotten why they were mad at one another "see you guys tomorrow" Billy waves at Dustin and kissed Steve who more than happily kisses back.

Billy drives Eleven home before driving him and Max home too. It was about 10 o'clock when they left El's house.

"Today was fun" the girl says surprising her brother

"Yeah" he says back

"We should do it again. You know I actually enjoy being around you when your not being a dick" she says laughing.

Billy chuckles "oh really? Well I enjoy being around you too" he smiles at his sister who's smiling back.

Finally they make it home, Billy goes in first to see Neil sat in a chair across the room. He quickly motions for Max to go to her room,which she swiftly does

"Hi sir" Billy says

"Well we'll well, look who decided to show up. We need to talk"

A/N ahh sorry for the long wait I dont know why it took me so long but I'll try post sooner next time. I have been writing another book at the same time so bare with me. I hope you enjoyed!

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