I need your advice on something

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Steve and Robin walked through the halls of the school to their next class, which was history. "God I hate history" Robin complains as they sit down in their seats at the back of the class, Steve in the corner on the left and Robin sat to his right

"Yeah me too" Steve agrees. The two of them get their books out sitting them on their desks and chatting about whatever until the teacher finally begins the lesson.

For most of the lesson Steve isn't listening, he's thinking about things. Mostly Billy. He has an idea and he really wants to do it straight after graduation, the problem is he isn't sure if he should. Most people would think that it's too early and he should wait a few more years, but Steve doesn't want to wait, he wants to do it now. Finally the bell goes and they pack their things away and head to lunch.

"Hey dingus, you've been really quiet. What's on your mind?" Robin nudges his arm as the two of them sit at their usual table.

"I just.." Steve sighs "I need your advice on something"

"My advice?! Why? Have you gone crazy I give terrible advice!" She shrieks making people turn to look and see what all the commotion is about. Steve quickly shushes her and people look away again.

"I need your advice because I trust you" Steve says

"Awwww. So what I it?" She leans on closer resting her head on her hands

"Well you see I-I wanna do something after graduation but I dunno if I should" He mumbles

"Wow hold you be anymore vague" Robin jokes

"Sorry" he apologises

"Calm down and tell me" She says

"Actually. I think I'll tell you after school, wait for me in the parking lot I've got basketball" he tells her

"You're seriously gonna make me wait?! Uhhhh I hate you" She grumbles just before the bell goes

"See you after school" Steve says as he heads to his next class.

The day goes pretty slowly but it's finally over, people are leaving the school chatting with their friends.cSteve on the other hand is rushing to the changing rooms pushing his way past people getting annoyed looks. He makes it to the changing room and most of the others are already leaving heading to the gym. He quickly changes into his gym clothes

"What took you so long?" Billy asks as he wraps his hands around Steve's waist sliding them up his shirt

"Stop someone could come back" Steve warns. Immediately Billy pulls away and frowns knowing his boyfriend is right and they should be more careful. "Come on coach is gonna be pissed" Steve says as he hurries out the changing room, Billy hot on his tail .

Practice goes smoothly apart from Tommy making annoying comments. Steve really wished he could just punch him in the face, he had weighed up the pros and cons and decided against it, he didn't feel like being suspended. Coach blows his whistle signalling the end of practice and yells at everyone to go get changed, apart from Billy and Steve.

"Boys" He says as the two of them walk over to him

"Yes sir" they say in unison

"Don't look so terrified. I just wanted to say that you two work really well together on the court" Coach compliments "now get your asses in the changing room" he shooes them away

In the changing room people are finishing up their showers and getting changed again. It wasn't long before Billy and Steve were completely alone again. Steve stepped under the hot water of the shower letting it run down his body for a minute, he feels a set of arms wrap around him again and he leans his head back seeing Billy.

"Hey pretty boy" He smirks

"Not right now I'm supposed to be meeting someone" Steve giggles pushing him away

"Oh come on who's more important than me?" He asks pretending to be offended

"No one, but what I want to talk to them about is really important" Steve reassures him

"Fine I guess I'll let you off the hook for now, we're having sex later though and that's not a choice" Billy smirks

The two boys finish getting changed, which took a bit longer since Billy kept trying to get Steve to stay out of his clothes just a bit longer. They left the changing room and headed for the car park. Next to Steve's car stood Robin talking to some girl.

" I can't believe you ditched me to talk to her" Billy says

"Shut up, I'll see you at home" Steve laughs as they part ways

Steve walks up to Robin "hey" he says as the other girl that Robin was talking to walks away

"Hey dingus" she says back "let's talk while you buy me food"

Steve laughs but still nods his head and gets into the car

A/N i have no idea when I'll be posting next it meh not be for a week maybe just over. I'll still try to post every three days but I'm going on holiday soon so I may be unable too. Hope you guys understand and can be patient!

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