The Wedding

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Steve paced the room nervously "what if he's changed him mind" he panicked

"He won't have, he loves you" Dustin comforts

"Kid stop pacing, you're making me dizzy" Hopper commented while lighting a cigarette

"Do I look good?" He asked shakily

"STEVE! You look great! Now stop panicking" Robin shouts

"Ok ok" Steve stops and takes a few deep breathes "you guys should probably go its going to start soon" Robin and Dustin both nod and walk out of the room silently. Steve waits till he can no longer hear their footsteps and begins to panic again

"Kid, you're going to be fine"Hopper comforts

"I know I'm just nervous" Steve mumbles

"As was I on my wedding day" Hopper says (A/N I have no idea if he was actually married but oh well) "it's normal kid"

After a few more minutes of panicking Steve had finally calmed down and it was time for the ceremony. The music starts playing and Steve and Hopper walk in. Steve looks around at all the faces, even though it's not a lot and he's close to everyone their it doesn't make him less terrified. He looks up the isle towards where Billy is stood and immediately feels better, Billy was smiling straight at him and that's when all the fear seemed to dissolve, he knew this was going to be the most perfect day. The music seemed to fade out and all Steves focus was on Billy, He stood there in a beautiful black suite with Max and Eleven standing behind him, the girls were smiling widely glad to get to be a part of this.

Before Steve could process it all he was stood  at the alter only a foot or two away from Billy. (A/N spoiler alert I don't remember most of the ceremony so U get a bit of the vows and the kiss)

"Till death do us part" Billy respected after the vicar

"Yeah yeah" Steve mumbled

"Or some shit like that" Billy finished with a smile making the once silent woods go up in roars of laughter

"Do you, Billy Hargrove, take Steve Harrington to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The vicar continued after the laughter had died down

"Hmmm" Billy says thoughtfully

"Oh fuck you" Steve curses

Billy chuckles "Of fucking course I do"

"And do you, Steve Harrington, take Billy Hargrove to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The vicar says

"Not after that" Steve says stubbornly

"Oh come on" Max sighs

"I do , but only if he takes my last name" Steve says sassily

"Then I now pronounce you one, you may now kiss" and with that Billy pulled Steve up against him and kissed his passionately.

"Get a room" Robin yelled from the back

"Oh fuck you" Billy shouted once he had finished kissing Steve


"That was the best day of my life" Steve says from his bed where he lay on his back and held his hand in front of him admiring his ring

"Yeah, Dustin told me you were panicking" Billy chuckled

"H-Hey" Steve stuttered curling up into a ball

"Don't worry, I think it's adorable" Billy soothes as he sits on the edge of the bed "I'm glad I'm still able to make people nervous"

Steve rolled over and 'accidentally' punched Billy in the stomach knocking him onto the floor "oh I'm ever so sorry my love" Steve said sarcastically

"You're lucky I love you" Billy groans

A/N and I believe that will be the end of this story! I'm not sure if I'll do the honeymoon but if u guys want me to the I will! I hope you liked the story!

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