I love you

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A/N just clarifying some thing. This is more modern than the show is but people are still really homophobic and gay marriage is legal. Enjoy

Billy sat up in bed rubbing his eyes, he hurt less this morning but it was still painful to move. He looked over at Steve and smiled, he could see this sight every morning now that he lived here. His thoughts were interrupted (much to his annoyance) by a loud bang from downstairs. He swiftly climbed out of bed and raced down the stairs, he stopped in his tracks when he entered the living room.

"Sorry I didn't mean to" Max said as she cleaned up a broken lamp. Billy turned to see the sofa where Eleven was sat staring up at him

"What are you doing here?" He asked her

"Hopper dropped me off this morning because Steve said he would look after me while Hopper was at work" she explained. Billy just rolled his eyes pretending he didn't like her even though that was an obvious lie, she was his favourite of the kids.

"Whatever. What do you brats want for breakfast?" He asked

"Eggos" El smiled

"No something healthier" Billy argued

"How bout omelettes?" Steve suggested as he rubbed his eyes walking into the room. Billy smiled again and wrapped his arm around his boyfriends waist pulling him closer

"Sounds great" Max agreed.

The two boys headed into the kitchen to make breakfast for the four of them. "I don't want to go to school tomorrow" Steve complained

"We could always skip and stay here" Billy smirked rubbing his hand against Steve thigh.

Steve slapped the other boys hand away and scowled at him "no we have to go"

"Suit yourself" Billy shrugged

"STEVE CAN YOU DRIVE US TO SCHOOL TOMORROW?" Max yells from the living room

"WHY CAN'T BILLY TAKE YOU?" Steve shouts back



Max sighs "FINE"

After they ate their breakfast the girls went back into the living room while Billy watched Steve clean up "you'd make a great wife"

"Ha ha fuck you" Steve laughs sarcastically. Once they had finished they went into the living room to check that Max hadn't broke anything else

"Well, aren't you two a bit young for that" Steve tuts at them. The two girls who were sat on the sofa kissing, snapped their heads around to see their mama and papa in the doorway

"Shut up mum" Max says as Eleven slams the door shut

"Those girls" Steve mutters "hey let's go to Our room I got homework" he says turning to face Billy

"Our room?" Billy questions

"Yeah. Since you live her now it's our room" Steve leans down to kiss him

"Wait homework! You've got to be kidding me!" Billy complains, letting Steve drag him upstairs he sits down on the bed and Steve sits in his desk chair

"Do you have homework?" Steve asks

"All my things are at home" Billy replies

"This is your home" Steve corrects "you could get Hopper to go over there and collect some stuff for you and Max"

"I don't like the idea of involving police" Billy sighs

"Then we're just involving a friend" Steve smiles at his boyfriend

Billy laid on the bed while Steve did homework, he was thinking about living here now. It was strange he hadn't lived away from his parents and it was eerily quiet compared to all of Neils shouting. He preferred it here obviously but he couldn't help but feel like a burden, he wanted to go back so he wouldn't hassle Steve anymore.

"Hey Steve?" Billy said

"Yeah what's up?" Steve asked, his eyes still glued to his homework.

"Am I a burden?" Billy queried

Steve spun around on his chair getting up to lie down next to Billy "of course not, what would make you think that?"

"I don't know. It's probably just because Neil used to always tell me I'm a burden" The muscular boy sighed

"Well you're not! In fact I'm really happy that we're living together, it means that I don't have to ask you to move in" Steve chuckled making Billy smile

"What too shy to ask, Princess?" Billy rolls over to face him poking him in the side and kissing him

The two of them laughed for a while kissing and poking each other. "I love you Billy, you know that" Steve smiles

"Yeah I know, I love you too pretty boy" Billy kissed him passionately.

"Hey we're hungry" Max bursts into the room

"FOR FUCK SAKE!" Billy yells scaring everyone

"I'll come make something, pasts pesto sound alright?" Steve asks, the girls nod disappearing back downstairs. "Well I better get cooking" Steve says standing up

"You owe me a make out" The older boy grumbles

"Yeah yeah whatever" is all Steve says before disappearing downstairs

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