Eleven and Max

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A/N alright as requested here is Eleven and Max (Billy's there too)  side note I can't remember if I said the two girls were dating so sorry if I'm just repeating that

"What are you thinking about" Eleven asked Max

"I'm just thinking about what happened last time we had a sleepover. How we totally busted Billy and Steve" She giggles back.

The two girls lay on Elevens bed with magazines all around them, Hopper had gone out with Miss Byers and so he had asked Billy to watch El knowing that Max would most likely want to come too. Billy had agreed, anything to get away from Neil. The older boy was currently in the living room watching tv trying to ignore the two girls laughter, or at least that's what he told them, really he liked being around them but thought that they should have some alone time.

Max rolled over so she was on top of the other girl, she leant down and kissed her. An eruption of giggles rose from the girl below.

"Max you're crushing me" she giggles, Max sighs and rolls back off of her. This time El rolls over but only onto her side to face Max

"Are we girlfriends?"  Eleven asks making Max blush

"I mean um o-only if you w-want to b-be" she stumbles over her words

"Well that's good cus I do" she smiles. This time El leans In to kiss Max which the other girl happily kisses back.

"What do you girls want for dinner?" Billy says standing in the door way leaning on it a bit

"BILLY, we were having a moment and you so rudely RUINED IT" Max yells furiously

"Calm down Max he didn't know. Plus we've done it to him and Steve hundreds of times" El soothes

"By the sounds of things you want nothing so imma go" Billy says turning to leave

"Wait! Can we have chicken nuggets and chips?" Max rushes before Billy can leave, he turns around to face the two girls. He sees Eleven nod in agreement

"Can we also have Eggos for dessert?" She asks sweetly

"Well because your my favourite yes we can" Billy says before leaving

"ASSHOLE" Max yells after him

Time skip cus I'm lazy

The three of them sat at the table eating their dessert and chatting about this and that.

"So you two are together?" Billy asks. Both girls nod since their mouths are full "just checking"

Once they finished eating it was late so Billy only let the girls watch tv while he did the dishes. Once he was done he shooed the girls into El's room before flopping down on the sofa. After about half an hour Billy finally heard the girls giggles die down into silence, he decided to make sure they were asleep. Quietly, he opened the door just a bit to see the two girls curled up in each other's arms fast asleep. The older teen closed the door again retreating to the sofa, he thought of how adorable Max and Eleven were together. He also thought of how mad Neil would be if he found out his son was gay and his step-daughter was a lesbian. He sighed to himself, fuck now I have to make sure Neil doesn't find out about her either he thinks. After a long time of thinking (mostly about Steve) he finally fell asleep.

When Hopper arrived home he saw Billy fast asleep on the sofa so he (not so) silently made his way to his daughters room. Opening the door he almost screams.

"For Christ sake I just got rid of Mike, well at least there won't be any teenage pregnancy's if their both girls" he whispered under his breath

"Papa I can hear you! Mike wasn't that bad and we wouldn't have done that stuff unprotected" El whisper yells back

"Gross can we not talk about Mike" Max adds making a gagging noise, El giggles at her and using her power she slams the door shut.

Hopper sighs in defeat and heads off to his room. He was too tired for this bullshit.

A/N wow I'm feeling productive tonight. I had an idea for the next chapter so comment if you want to see Steve and Dustin being mother and son! Hope you enjoyed 😁

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