Billy and the girls

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"Alright get in the car" Billy says to Max

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She squeals in excitement. Billy smiles to himself as he climbed into the car. He starts the engine and speeds off down the road, not bothering to ask for directions since he's driven there billions of times either picking up or dropping off Max.

"Are you excited to see your girlfriend" Billy teases

"Sh-shut up" Max blushes looking out the window

When they arrive the two of them get out of the car, Max skips happily to the door knocking once and stepping back waiting for someone to answer. Inside someone, probably Hopper, yells 'hang on' and oof steps can be heard approaching the door. Hopper opens the door and a smile appears on his face when he sees Max.

"He El, Max is here" Hopper yells through the house. In an instant the young girl is stood beside her dad, smiling happily at Max. "What can we do for you two" Hopper asks, the question more directed at Billy.

"Max has been bugging me to take her and El out for the day" Billy informs. The teen stands there slightly awkward, he never really liked talking to Hopper, its not that he doesn't like him it's just the fact that he's a cop which makes Billy uncomfortable.

"Hmm. Very well then. But I'd like it if you stayed here first for a little. I don't trust you much yet and when you do go out. No boys!" Hopper says firmly

"Daaaaddddd" Eleven complains at here embarrassing dad.

"That's ok. Come on Billy" the young girl grabs here brothers hand and drags him inside. The other girl takes the lead, guiding them to here room and closing the door leaving it open by three inches. "So what should we do?" Max asks

"I don't know" El says making a thinking face

"Oo Oo I know!" Max exclaims "Let's spy on Steve!" She giggles, the more shy girls just nods and guts up grabbing a black piece of cloth and a radio.

"Woah woah we can't spy on Steve" Billy says trying to stop the girls.

"Oh come on." Max protests "what he doesn't know can't hurt him" to that The older boy laughs and agrees hoping to god that His boyfriend won't be mad.

Eleven ties the cloth over her eyes and Max turns on the raiding to the annoying buzzing noise. They sit in silence for a while and Billy starts to get confused on what's happening, he goes to ask but gets immediately shushed by his step sister

"Found him" the girl announces

"What's he doing?!" The other girl asks excitedly. Secretly Billy is just as curious, he wants to know exactly what his boyfriend is doing he wants to be sure that he's not cheating on him.

"He's at scoops talking to Robin" El informs the other two "wait he's texting someone" at that moment Billy's phone pings

"Yeah he's texting me" He tells the girls

"What did he say?" Max asks

"He's telling me that if I see Robin I have to apologise for punching her" He tells her, Max giggles before turning back to her girlfriend.

They sit there for a while, Eleven informing them of any changes, until Hopper comes in.

"Alright so I've decided I trust Billy enough to take you two out of the day. BUT you must be back by 10 and NO BOYS" The girl rips the cloth off of her face, blood dripping down out of her nose.

"Yes dad I get it, me and Mike aren't even together anymore" she sighs and smiles at Max who giggles back.

After cleaning up the room they say bye to Hopper who glares at Billy, which scared him a bit, and they get into the Camaro the two girls in the back.

Billy starts driving down the road towards town "so where are we headed?" He asks the giggling girls

"Well Steve and Dustin are heading to the ice skating rink. Why don't we go there, act like it's a coincidence" The more shy girl suggests. Max happily agrees and the older teen sighs taking a right turn towards the skating rink.

He pulls into a the parking lot looking for a space. And Steve's car. Down in the corner of the parking lot he spots Steve's beat up car, he also spots a parking space two spaces from where Steve's is. He pulls in and climbs out the car waiting for the two girls to get out to before locking the door. He walks up to the entrance not bothering to check if the girls are following (he can tell they are from the amount of giggles). He goes up to the desk to get their skates, flirting with the lady to get them a discount.
Handing the girls, their skates he pulls his tying the laces.

Billy feels a tap on his shoulder "can you tie my laces" the shy girl says in a small voice. Billy smiles and leans down to tie her laces. Once their done they head over to the ice. The girls head off hand in hand skating across the ice Billy just watches them.That's when he saw him. His beautiful hair and big brown eyes and gorgeous smile. Steve. He chuckles to himself as he watches the younger boy try teach the beautiful brown eyed boy to skate, Billy decides to skate over and say hi.

"Look Dustin I'm doing it!" Steve exclaims happily right before crashing into someone and falling on his ass.

"Fancy seeing you here pretty boy" Billy smiles reaching out a hand to help Steve up

"Billy?!" Steve questions

A/N sorry for the wait! Hope that the fact that this chapters longer makes up for it! I promise the next chapter will have more Harringrove moments. Hopefully. Hope you enjoyed!

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