What happened?!

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"Of course sir" Billy was trying not to show his fear. He knew that they had came home late and that's probably why he's mad

"Well for starters..." Neil walked up to him and punched him in the ribs "your late" he snarled

Billy coughed and stood up straight "sorry sir" he said. Wait he said for starters. I didn't think I'd done anything else wrong!

"Secondly.." another punch this time to the face "I saw you at the skating rink. With that boy" he growled. Billy's face had completely whitened. he saw me and Steve. I'm so screwed! He thought. After that the pain didn't stop, he was kicked and punched until he could barely walk. Finally he blacked out.

"Hey Billy? Are you ok?" Steve said

"Billy, Billy, BILLY" Max yelled

"Steve?" Billy tried to sit up but the pain was too much so he just fell back onto the floor again

"No Steve's not here, but I'm getting you help. I'll call him" Max said pulling his head into her lap. Billy could hear her crying so he rubbed her arm soothingly

"Where are we now?" He asked

"Outside. Neil dragged you out after you blacked out" she said in between sobs "I thought you were dead, I called Robin" Billy tried his hardest to calm her down while they waited for Robin. Luckily for Billy she turned up pretty quick.

"Woah you look terrible. So tell me, why I should help you? You punched me in the face." She said

"Yeah yeah I was supposed to say I'm sorry" Billy muttered as the two girls helped him up

"Come on we need to get you to the hospital" The older girl said as the three of them stumbled to her car

"NO!" Billy yelled "no hospitals"

"Woah ok calm down! Where are we supposed to take you then?" Robin asked, helping Billy into the car.

"Steve's" he mutters before falling unconscious again

Billy woke up in a bright room, he blinked a few times trying to get used to the light. He moved to sit up but heard a voice

"Easy just lie down" Billy recognised it all too well. Steve. He lay back down feeling a sharp pain shoot through his body. Steve must have noticed since he started rubbing slow circles on the back of Billy's hand "care to tell me what happened" he asked softly

"Neil..." Billy coughed

"Take your time" Steve soothed

Billy nodded before taking a few breaths and then spoke again "He saw us" he said "he saw us kiss" Steve sucked in a breath

"You shouldn't go back there" Robin who had been completely silent spoke up from one of the sofas

"I know" Billy replied "but I can't leave Max there he might take it out on her and where would we even stay"

"Max won't be left there she's not going back. Neither of you are, you're staying here" Steve said firmly

"Steve.." Billy began to argue but was quickly shushed by Steve's lips on his. It stung but Billy didn't mind. "Ok you've convinced me, we'll stay" Billy laughed as Steve pulled away

"BILLY!" Max yelled as she bolted down the stairs. She flung herself onto him making him cough again and pain once again shoot through him

"Careful Max!" Steve shirked

"Sorry" she apologised still laying on him her head on his chest. Billy chuckled and stroked her red locks. "Are you alright?" She looked up at him

"Yeah I'm fine. It just hurts to breathe and move" he said sarcastically

"You should get some rest, we all should. Come on Max you can stay in one of the spare bedrooms and Robin your welcome to stay too." Steve announced getting up from his seat. "Can you walk?" He asked Billy

"Sort of" He replied. Steve pulled Billy's arm around his neck and pulled him too his feet, the older boy stumbled a few times but could walk well enough to get to Steve's room. Once in the room he flopped onto the bed crawling under the covers, ignoring his body's screams for mercy. He lay there staring at the ceiling in a trance until Steve climbed into bed beside him slinging his arm over the more muscular boys body. It wasn't long before both of them were asleep.

A/N it's been a couple of days, sorry about that! Hope you enjoyed!

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