I didn't expect it to be so sweet!

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Billy wakes up first like usual, Steve's not a morning person. He stares down at Steve culled up to his bare chest. Billy rests is head one Steve's head closing his eyes until he feels a a hand moving around his chest

"Mornin' Pretty boy" Billy cooed

"Mm it's so early. What time is it?" Steve mutters

"How can you know its early if you don't even know what time it is" Billy chuckles

"Hey Babe?" Steve says looking up at Billy

"Mm" Billy says while playing with Steve's messy hair

"Can I give you a blow job?" Steve asks hiding his face in Billy's chest. Billy freezes for a second before letting out a small laugh

"You don't need to ask princess" Billy smiles cuddling him closer "But after breakfast I'm starving"

A/N just to clarify Billy usually gives the bj so this will be Steve's first time

Billy climbers out of bed putting on some jeans that were on the floor and walked downstairs. Steve followers also finding some trousers on the floor and jogs to catch up to Billy. Billy cooks pancakes and Steve watches him closely

"Princess, I know I'm beautiful but would you stop staring it's kinda creepy" Billy turns and says to Steve who just rolled his eyes "breakfast is ready"

They sit across from each other at the table, Billy puts syrup all over his pancake whereas Steve has lemon and sugar.

Once they finished their breakfast Billy cleans the dishes and Steve just stands rocking on his feet staring at the floor a bit awkwardly

"What's up pretty boy?" Billy turns to face Steve.

"Hm oh nothing" Steve mumbles

"Come on princess you can tell me" Billy pushes

"I don't know I guess I'm just a bit.... Embarrassed" He replies mumbling the last part

"Embarrassed of what" Billy asks confusion prominent in his voice

"I don't know" Steve mumbles back still looking at the floor

Billy drys his hands and walks over to Steve grabbing his hips and pulling him close. He places one hand under Steve's chin pulling his face up and kisses him gently.

"Come on let's go upstairs" Billy says pulling away from the kiss. Steve nods and let's Billy pull him upstairs.

Once in Steve's room Billy sits on the edge of the bed. Steve closes the door and slowly walks closer. When he's stood in right in front of Billy he leans down and kisses him gently. Billy pushes Steve making him fall onto his knees. Steve reaches forward and unzips Billy's jeans and pulls them down around his ankles he looks to see that Billy is already semi hard. Steve looks up at Billy who is watching him, he looks back down kissing Billy's chest earning a slight moan from Billy. He slowly tucks his fingers in the sides of Billy's boxers and slowly pulls them down

"Stop teasing" Billy moans as Steve pulls his boxers down to his ankles revealing his now fully hard cock.

Steve grabs Billy's dick and puts the tip in his mouth as Billy slides a hand into Steve's hair. Steve slowly swirls his tongue around the tip making Billy grip his hair tighter. Steve slowly takes Billy into his mouth completely. That tips Billy over the edge as he decide he's going to take control, he begins to thrust himself into Steve's mouth. Steve makes a surprised noise but doesn't object. After a few minutes speeds up again

"Mmm S-Steve mmmm gonna cum" Billy moans. Billy thrust one final time as sticky white liquid explodes from his dick into Steve's mouth. Steve backs up swallowing the substance and Billy pulls his boxers and jeans back up. Steve looks up at Billy thought fully

"I didn't expect it to be so sweet!" Steve exclaims, Billy chuckles and falls back onto the bed. Steve climbs up and lays beside him. They stay quiet looking at each other smiling

Unfortunately the mood is destroyed when the two boys hear two people running up the stairs and burst into the room.

A/N sorry it's been a few days hope u liked the chapter I will try post again very soon. :)

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