[.01] hanemiya kazutora , fluff

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┆彡 requested
┆hanemiya kazutora x gn!reader
┆warnings: spoilers for episodes 16 & 21 + few manga spoilers
┆word count: 404


"Kazutora." Your voice whispered, he was scared to smile, he was scared to say anything. His pupils dilated, his needy desire to touch you, to hug you increasingly went up. Silence was shared amongst you, he was noticeably shaking, blaming himself for getting into a situation as difficult as prison.

"[Y/N]." He blurted out, whimpers escaping his mouth.

"I'm here, okay?" Your smile reassured him, he always pondered what did he do to deserve someone as caring as you. The fact that you came into his life and blessed him with love, the love he always yearned for. 5 minutes went by too quickly, Kazutora missed you already. The boy sat down in his cell, rethinking the things you told him.

Something he particularly got happy about is that he was getting released in a few days. Kazutora let his mind wonder, imaging you engulfing him into a hug, running your fingers through his yellow and black hair, allowing to inhale your scent.

Kazutora thought, would you ever forgive him after the things he did in the past? No, no. It was surely unforgivable, he killed both Shinichiro and Baji, he had to atone and face his problems. There was no way he could protest his innocence all those months ago.


His golden eyes didn't dare to deceive him, you were there, waiting for him. Tears blurred his vision, but he could still make out the shape of your figure. Kazutora noticed his long-term friend, Mikey standing beside you, a small smile on his face. Awhile ago, when Draken told him that Mikey forgave him, the happiness and relief he felt was unreal.

His legs acted on their own, sprinting towards you, he couldn't wait to be in your arms. The tears streamed down his cheeks at a rapid pace, soaking your clothes while he cried into your shoulder. Your arms were warm, wrapping around his body. Kazutora had ached for your touch, your smell, everything about you. He especially missed the sound of your voice, as you leaned down to his ear, placing a tender kiss to his temple before saying;

"I love you, I'm so glad you're in my arms."


a/n: i wanted to write for kazu first bc he's one of my favourites 👽 anyway thanks for reading <3

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