[.06] izana kurokawa , angst

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a/n: thanks for requesting! i think it would be better if you guys could listen to the song provided at the top just to get a better experience, i would start at 0:31 (it's called space song by beach house)

┆彡 requested
┆Izana kurokawa x fem!reader
┆warnings: major character death, manga spoilers for toman vs tenjiku fight(?) you've been warned!!!
┆word count: 888


"Sorry, Kakucho. But I... only have you after all." Izana smiles, even if his whole body was beat and shot, blood indefinitely escaping from the gun wounds he sustained. It wasn't as if his heart could pump for much longer.

"But," Kakucho coughed in between sentences. "what about Y/N?"

"...Y/N." The purple-eyed boy began. "I'd love to hear her voice one last time. I'd love to see her again."

Mikey; the poor boy was too stunned to open his mouth, he wanted to say something, nothing dared to come out. A lump in his throat was choking him, but no tears escaped his navy eyes, none at all.

"Mikey." His brother's hoarse voice reminded him he was still hanging on, and he was going to, for as long as it took, just so that Izana could hear his girlfriend's voice. One last time.

"Oh." Mikey exhaled a shaky breath he unknowingly held in for almost too long, reaching into Izana's pocket in search of his phone.

"C'mon, quick... I—"

Mikey grasped it, dialling your phone number, putting it on speaker and near Izana. Shuffling was heard on the other end as you picked up, mumbling a 'hello?'


"Izana? Why are you calling me? Something come up?" Your voice was distorted, but in his ears, he heard it clearly, just fine. He adored it, he was enchanted by you.

"Nothing, my love. I just wanted to hear your voice." He admitted, holding back tears that threatened to slip from his lilac eyes. Izana's desire to be in your arms once more hurt, by at the same time, it comforted him. He was reminded of the way you'd hold him carefully, like a porcelain item, supposed to be handled with great care. You and him enjoyed whispering sweet confessions to each other, whilst hugging for warmth during late Friday nights, TV blaring from the show that was on. You'd binge watch anything for hours on end, and Izana would never get to experience it ever again.

"...Izana? You there?"

"Yeah. Sorry, my mind was miles away. What did you say?"

"I asked if I can come over, to see you." Oh, you were just the sweetest thing, the purest. He sniffled back a chuckle, not allowing it to escape as it would pain him further.

"That would be nice, love... Although, I'm afraid I can't. I'm going somewhere, I think it might be a nice place."

The pain weighed down on him further, like a burden on his shoulders. Izana's mind flipped back like a story book to the time when he first met you, at an orphanage, along with Kakucho. You'd stuck by his side the entire time, even if he acknowledged how stubborn and cold he used to be towards you. Izana wanted to apologise, in person, he cursed himself for not doing it sooner. Fuck, it can't, and will never happen.

Izana was aware of the shit life he lived, he knew the things he did weren't right. The boy learned the woman he was raised by wasn't his actual mother, he learned his "siblings" weren't even blood-related to him. He was different, he wasn't like them. What was he chasing this entire time? Revenge? Acknowledgment? Power?

"You never gave up on me, did you?"

He wished things, such as life itself was different. A picture of you and him happily married, with children perhaps, was painted within his mind. Izana longed for something as precious as that, his life was on borrowed time, and only wished to talk to you for longer. The chance of you meeting someone different after he's gone pained him to think about, would you let go?

"I'm glad. I love you, y'know? Don't forget that." A small chuckle slipped from his blood-stained lips, the slick tang of iron coating his tongue.

"I love you too, Izana. I'll see you soon, okay?" The genuine smile was heard within your modulated words, he wanted to say you wouldn't, but it would only worry you. This was the last time.

"Yeah, I hope so.." No more words were exchanged, Izana brightly smiled through the agony he was enduring, thoughts only focused on you. Izana wished this whole ordeal wasn't real, he wished he would suddenly wake up in your arms, whilst you'd drag your fingers through his silky white hair, pressing light-feather kisses to his forehead and mumbling sweet nothings.

"Mikey... take care of Y/N for me, yeah?" His heart beat was ceasing, but that's alright, he smiled, satisfied he got to hear your voice again, before his last breath.

"Thank you. I'm sorry things couldn't be different."


a/n: not sure if you could tell but i enjoy writing angst
the prompt here is that izana calls his s/o and acts like he's fine when in reality he's about to die. hope you enjoyed reading this oneshot

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