[.05] baji keisuke , fluff

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┆彡 not requested
┆baji keisuke x gn!reader
┆word count 829


A showery afternoon was not what you wanted right now, a flurry of rain splashed onto the concrete, droplets of silver running down your face. Gusts of harsh wind blew the trees in the opposite direction, pulling them down like heavy weights. You continued trudging along the footpath, huddling yourself for some warmth.

Ahead, a group of boys laid on the ground, all passed out and beaten up. A boy with long black hair stood in the midst of it, blood smeared on his face, there was also Matsuno Chifuyu, the school's most popular delinquent, also slightly beaten.

The two were chatting amongst themselves, sparing you some glances. You kept up the pace without much of a care to stop for them, thankfully, the droplets were stopping, a rainbow appearing in the sky, like something out of a fairy tale.

"Hey, you." The black-haired male spoke, you whipped your head around, stopping in your tracks.

"Do you guys like peyang yakisoba?" The boy, who you learned was Baji from one of your classes, said. He flashed a smile to you both, his hands in his pockets.

You and Chifuyu agree in unison. "Well, come on then."

"What? I don't live too far away, I wanna get home. I probably have a few assignments due..." Pointing to a particular building, quite coincidentally, Chifuyu mentioned he lives in the same place.

Baji laughs. "What the hell, we all live in the same place. Come on, I'm inviting both of you into my house for some food. From now on, we're all best friends."

"Oh. I hardly know you guys." Your stomach grumbled while you walked beside them, causing you to sigh in defeat. "Fine. I'm going for the food."


"I've brought some friends over." He calls out to, you assume, his mom. She leaned from the kitchen's counter to get a better look at us, she seemed fine with us being there, repeating like a mantra that she was happy her boy was making friends.

"Do you have any more peyang, Mom?" You observe the place, even if it was the same building you live in as well as Chifuyu, Baji's was different, a few decorations of his own accessorising it.

"Hey, um." Baji starts, coming over to the table with two boxes of peyang yakisoba in his hands.

"We only have two." His mouth hung open, your eyes focus the pair of boys in front of you. Maybe they could share, and you'd have a box of peyang to yourself.

"It's alright, Y/N, me and you can share." Baji sends you a grin, grabbing pairs of chopsticks.

"Oh. You sure?"

"Yeah," He rips the seal off the box, the smell of warm noodles ready to be eaten filling everyone's senses, the selfish thought of eating all the food plus Chifuyu's peyang lingered in the back of your head.

"Just save some for me at least." Baji said, his grin didn't leave his face. The silence fell upon everyone, it wasn't too awkward. Aside from the fact that Baji 'unknowingly' continued to give you quick glances, cheeks flushing a pink shade every time you'd catch him. Poor Chifuyu felt like he was thirdwheeling. . .


"I'm inviting you over, Chifuyu's coming too." Baji slung his arm around your shoulder and leaned further into you.

"So, you're gonna invite us everyday?"

"Yeah, you guys are my best friends." He gives you a sly wink, he's clearly up to no good judging by the grin stretching his lips.

"Alright, I gotta get to class."

"Not so fast..." His other hand comes to grip your wrist, the tension rose greatly. "I've gotta tell you something."

"Oh? Like what?" It was sudden. You longed to see where this was going, he boldly backed you up against the wall, holding your nape firmly, the bold change in his demeanour was pressuring. You felt as if you knew what he wanted to tell you, his chuckle somewhat confirming it, lips hovering over yours, begging to be kissed.

"You love me? Is that it?"

"I do, how'd you know?" Baji flashed a smirk and ran his tongue across his teeth, you couldn't hold back any longer, greedy lips hungrily pouncing onto his. It was vehement, making you smile and kiss him back. He was a bit aggressive for his first kiss, but being madly in love with you, he was clearly too excited.

It didn't last as long as you wanted, being cut short by the echoing sounds of student's voices not far, you begrudgingly pulled away.

"C'mon, let's go!" Baji cackled, sprinting down the hallway, his hand locked tightly in yours as you ran together hastily, just like teenagers in a deep haze of love. The thought of getting to class left your mind, you only were thinking of him.


a/n: this was cheesy i am sorry i couldn't think of anything else

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