[.24] matsuno chifuyu , fluff

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┆matsuno chifuyu x gn!reader
┆warnings: minor swearing, mainly just crack, idk Mikey being a silly little guy,  not proofread
┆word count: 791


The hours at night always felt long, painfully long. The moonlight shines through the curtains, casting a soft glow in Chifuyu's room and setting a tranquil ambiance. It's silent, but the silence is only occasionally broken by the light snores emitting from Chifuyu, or you shuffling around in the bed, crinkling the sheets further and aiming to find a comfortable position.

This was starting to become annoying for you, being unable to fall prey to a deep slumber and just whisk away into sleep. It's like you're wide awake; brain fully functioning at this ungodly hour, your body yearning to get active.

Maybe you could actually get out of bed and tire yourself out? Maybe that could work. But there's something stopping you from doing so, a voice in the back of your head telling you that your ass is way too lazy for get active right now.

Shifting around in the bed, your hand reaches out and searches for your phone. Grasping the phone, you felt like your pupils literally shrunk when the screen lit up, illuminating Chifuyu's room. Instantly squinting your eyes and trying to focus, the time reads 1:33am. Great, what a lovely time to be awake. Unable to resist, you scroll through your notifications. Seeing the Toman groupchat blowing up with messages from Baji and Mikey made you crack a small smile. You're not really surprised they're up this late, due to their gang meetings usually being held at strange hours for some reason.

You didn't even realise how long you were chatting to Baji and Mikey in the chat, before a hand snakes from behind, snatching your phone from your grasp.

"Hey, what the fuck?" Despite it being dark, you can feel Chifuyu's stare on you, a sign that he's not happy you're not sleeping.

"Why are you not sleeping?" Chifuyu's voice is laced with sleepiness, he groggily shifts his gaze to your phone in his hand, blearily squinting due to the bright light. There's countless messages in the groupchat, and Chifuyu couldn't help but softly chuckle at what he was reading.

"My bad. My body's just refusing to fall asleep." Sarcasm is evident in the tone of your voice, and Chifuyu scoffs in amusement. "They're awake again, but it's not really surprising."

"Uh-huh." Chifuyu's eyes are fixated on the endless amount of silly messages and photos in the groupchat, and he lets out another chuckle when he comes across another picture.

"What is that?" Chifuyu shows you a 0.5x photo that Mikey sent of himself in the chat.

"Mikey." You respond with. Saying this in between laughs was a bit difficult, and by this point, Chifuyu was chuckling uncontrollably, murmuring that Mikey is a weird ass.

"Alright, uh... you said you couldn't sleep?" He places the phone away, completely focusing his attention onto you. Humming in agreement to his question, Chifuyu thinks for a moment, before thinking of an idea. "I could help with that."

Before giving you time to respond, he snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. It's hard to tell, but Chifuyu is a bit flustered by this sudden intimacy, perhaps he likes the feeling of your skin against his. His heart fluttered in adoration when you relax against him, your arms embracing him in the same way he's doing to you.

"Was this just an excuse to be close?" Closing your eyes with an amused grin, this earns you an awkward scoff from Chifuyu.

"Maybe... but I-I love being close. It feels nice." His voice comes out as a soft murmur, sticking his nose in your hair and inhaling your familiar scent. "And besides... I'm trying to help you sleep... I don't want you being tired in the morning."

The arms around your waist tightens as he says these words, and it's clear his intentions are sincere, his concern for your health evident with the way he holds you. With a soft exhale, the teasing grin on your face begins to fade into a more neutral and relaxed expression. Finally, the tension in your muscles starts to alleviate with being in the arms of your boyfriend. It's like his simple embrace is whisking you away into a deep slumber, that's just the effect he has.

Upon feeling your body ease, Chifuyu smiles softly, seeing that his "well-thought-out" idea worked just fine. After a bit, he realises that now, he can't sleep...


ayo sorry for publishing this late!! I kinda forgot about the request lmao but yea I love Chifuyu sm 💯im also dying with period cramps 🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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