[.20] souya kawata , fluff

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┆souya kawata (angry) x fem!reader
┆warning: minor swearing, a bit of blood
┆word count: 616


The vibration of the phone in your hand caused you to turn your attention to it. A call from Nahoya. You cock an eyebrow in confusion, what could he be calling about now? You move away from the chatter coming from Mikey, Draken and Takemichi, rushing outside to a quieter spot.

Picking up, you were greeted with panicked yells from Nahoya. His quickened words were so incoherent you had to tell the twin to slow down.

"Souya got hurt. Kinda badly." He said, his tone was calmer. He sounded a bit anxious though, something you didn't hear often. It was nothing new for the twins to get into fights - but the fact that Nahoya had to call you, Souya must be pretty fucked up. You deeply sigh at that thought, hanging up and letting the others know you were heading off.

You cared for Souya way too much, and you didn't think about how quickly you had arrived to the twins' house. Hurried movement was audible from the other side of the door as you knocked on it, the door flung open, catching you off guard. Nahoya didn't greet you, rather he dragged you inside to where his brother was.

He wasn't kidding when he said Souya got beat up pretty badly; he was littered with bruises and a couple of fresh cuts with blood still trickling out. Nahoya had made a messy attempt to bandage him up, as you took note of the Hello Kitty band-aid box which was empty on the kitchen bench. Saying he looked like he was on the verge of falling unconscious was an understatement, but he didn't care. The tired look in his eyes faltered as soon as he saw you, wanting to just crush you into a hug then and there.

"Don't try to stand," You ushered him to sit back down. "Hello Kitty band-aids? Really?"

"I picked them out when we went shopping." Nahoya snickered.

Whilst said twin was rambling about how he and Souya got into a fight with some random delinquents, you searched for extra bandages and ointment in the cupboards and bathroom. Once finished, you wetted the cotton wipe with antiseptic and brought it to a cut that appeared worse than the rest.

Souya looked at you with a scared glint in his eyes. You took note of that, giving your hand for him to hold.

"It's okay, it's alright. You can hold my hand." Your words made him less tense, he softened for what only was a second before his face contorted into a look of pain. He squirmed as you damped the cut with the antiseptic, clasping your hand like he was about to break it.

His deathly grip soon loosened once the stinging sensation ceased, you and Nahoya were thankful he didn't cry, otherwise that would've been an even bigger mess. The rest of the cuts had been attended to, Souya found himself resting his head against your stomach once it was over. He didn't budge, encasing your body into a hug instead. Adoration bloomed in your chest at the sight of your boyfriend tiredly slumping his weight against you, it was an awkward position, but it didn't matter. You couldn't resist not playing with his puffy blue hair, combing it and twirling some curly parts around your fingers, which seemed to whisk him to sleep.

He looked so adorable resting in your arms.


—im a lazy person for not posting this earlier 😻 anyway ty for reading! tbh i want to touch kawata twins hair it looks so puffy and soft ghfhhfsgdh

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