[.22] souya kawata , angst + fluff

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┆souya kawata (angry) x gn!reader
┆warnings: toxic relationships(?) and comfort
┆word count: 785
YO I haven't updated for more than a year wtf??? but anyway just to clear stuff up. I'll be trying to write again, mainly focusing on my tokyo revengers book and that's abt it. I haven't written for over a year so my writing is bound to be sloppy as shit so bear with me 🫠


Your boyfriend has never said he loves you. The words seem too foreign for him to say. In fact, he acts distant towards you, detaching himself and dismissing you from everything. His relationship with you seemed to have meant nothing, he just viewed you as an mere object and nothing more. He simply wanted someone to be with, just for show. You also wanted someone to be with, though all he did was play with your feelings.

You aren't oblivious to his actions. You are aware of the way he acts, the way he talks to you. Your boyfriend doesn't take it seriously when you lash out on him, swearing at his face as you voice your thoughts and feelings about your so-called relationship.

In return, he would dismiss you with a chuckle, it's evident he doesn't seem interested in your feelings or thoughts.

Souya, on the other hand, is a close friend of yours. The younger Kawata twin is constantly seen wearing that characteristic snarl, perpetually appearing in a foul mood. Despite that, he's the kindest person you've ever met. Not once has he ever raised his voice towards you, Souya treats you with utmost care and affection.

Souya's expression visibly darkened, if possible, when you spoke of your ill boyfriend. His bright turquoise eyes bore into your own eyes when you mention your boyfriend. It wasn't the first time Souya had heard of him before, in fact you have spoken of your boyfriend on numerous occasions.

"Again?" Souya asked, his permanent scowl never faltering for a moment. You nod in response to his single word. Souya intently listens in to everything you tell him, his anger silently rising as you continue to explain the terrible things that your boyfriend does. He can see the sadness etched on your face, the tone of your voice low and lacking any emotion. Souya does not enjoy seeing others, especially you, in any kind of pain.

It came no surprise to Souya when he suddenly got a distressed phone call from you days later. Upon picking up, your hysterical cries and distraught words were all he could hear. Despite your sentences being jumbled in despair, he could make out some words you said, such as 'boyfriend,' and 'cheated.' His heart broke upon hearing this. His attempts at calming you down over the phone were deemed as futile, so he decided to come over.

The ride on his motorcycle to your apartment didn't take long. Souya was swiftly weaving through traffic, his desire to see and comfort you increasing by the second.

Considering the strong bond between you and him, Souya has access to your apartment, so upon arrival, he grabbed a spare key out and unlocked your door. His movements are quickened and hasty. Entering your apartment, there was nothing out of the ordinary from what he could see. Then he picked up on a person's soft sobs coming from your room.

Souya spots you sitting on the bed, or more like slouching. Your head is hung low and he doesn't ignore the tears cascading down your cheeks. He kneels down in front of you, his arms wrapping around your body as you wept. For the time being, there were no words spoken, it was just you finding solace in the midst of chaos as Souya clung onto you. He nuzzled his head against you, his embrace tightening a sign of affection.

"Please, don't cry.. I really hate seeing you cry." Souya whispered. Although he wasn't the best at supporting, his actions and words undeniably brought you a sense of comfort. When you look down at him, he's already staring up at you. But the sight surprised you. The prominent frown on his face had been replaced with a much softer expression, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"You deserve happiness.. I can't bear to see you suffer." He adds, his sincere words filling you with warmth. Souya continued to comfort you and do everything he could in order to maintain your happiness. He vowed to make sure you never felt this kind of pain, ever again.


yoo thank you so much for reading and thank you for the request 🫶 im happy to continue updating this book and take more requests ^^

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