[.13] haitani brothers , fluff

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a/n: i love overprotective and supportive haitani brothers
i don't own the fanart at the top, all credit goes to the original artist

┆彡 requested
┆haitani brothers x younger!sister!reader PLATONIC
┆warnings: swearing, overprotective haitani brothers
┆word count 766


Playgrounds gave you the best nostalgia, they would help to remind you when your elder brothers would take you to them, when you were much younger. Ran would be holding your hand as you'd exclaim in amusement how you loved the place, he'd usually smile as a response. As for Rindou, he would chaotically sprint around the park scaring off any kids.

There are also delinquents in your neighbourhood, and they were yelling, harassing, throwing in a couple of insults here and there. They came towards your direction.

And no doubt, you think your older brothers were approaching from behind.

"Oh?" From the faux tone, it was Ran, who was tapping his signature metal baton on his shoulder. He was wearing that lazy grin on his face, head tilted to the side, and showing off the skull motif on his Tenjiku collar. The 3rd year's delinquents were cowering, clearly sweating whilst Ran walked up to one of the few amongst them.

Ran smirked. "Are you, by any chance, the leader of this group?"

He stammered out a 'yeah' but was instantaneously kicked in the gut, causing him to kneel in unbearable pain on the concrete. Rindou's stoic facade was replaced with an annoyed one as he noticed movement coming from some of them, resulting in him stepping in and threatening them not to run off.

"Oh, what am I gonna do with you, hm..." Ran bent over to be levelheaded with the leader, using the tip of his baton to hook under his chin, forcing his head upright to lock eyes with Ran's.

"Go on, Rindou."

They were the only words Rindou needed to hear before clasping his hand around one of the delinquent's arm, locking down a joint and breaking a bone under his excruciating grip. Being the sadistic brother he was, Rindou enjoyed inflicting pain upon his opponents, heart jumping for joy every time a scream sounded from a victim. A downside to him is his arrogant and blunt behaviour, yet he is still confident in his strength and how he fights.

Their personalities contrast from each other, they could be cocky and reckless at times, but they're always gonna be overprotective and supportive of you. They have loved you, ever since the day they were able to hold you when you were born.

Ran was thankfully responsible enough, he covered your eyes from the sight in front, hiding you behind him. His instincts just told him to place a hand on your shoulder, letting you know he wouldn't let them get near you.

Rindou finished up his part, they all were battered and marked with bruises, majority of them given broken bones as punishment. Ran still hid you behind him, but this time turning you around.

"Don't shit-talk my little sister. Otherwise you will end up like your friends, okay? You don't want that, do you?" Ran's whimsical demeanour was enough to make someone cry, which, some were on the verge of tears.

"Now, tell me, are you sorry?" Your eldest brother was seemingly getting on the leader's nerves, as he shivered, a grimace accompanying his face after. He was beat, and had to admit, muttering a 'yes,' under his breath.

Ran scoffed, his smirk adorning his features once more. "No, you aren't."

He knocked the boy with the weapon, several teeth slipping out in the process, pain rushing to his senses and covering his mouth using both hands. Ran's baton was back to tapping on his shoulder, but this time, he used it to twirl his braid around the metal object. As much as your brother was tempted, he held back on beating the life out of the boy kneeling before him.

"What are you waiting for? Scram." Ran watched the group hurriedly sprint off. Rindou slung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a side-ways hug.

"You good?"

"Ah—Before you say anything, Y/N, we do this because we care. No way you're getting hurt on our watch." Ran said as you followed on. Rindou nodded, ruffling your hair. It was no surprise they'd always try to keep you safe, your brothers are Tenjiku's Heavenly Kings, regardless, they'd always want to make time for you.


a/n: thanks for reading! i seriously love the haitani brothers and also have no clue how to end this off 💔

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