[.07] mikey , angst

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a/n: prompt is 'holding their partner's unconscious/dead body'
i would recommend listening to a sad song to get you in the feels but idk up to the reader

┆彡 requested
┆manjiro Sano / mikey x fem!reader
┆warnings: character death
┆word count: 532


Mikey was soaking in mother nature's heavy rain and hastily getting on his motorbike, zooming off at a fast rate. The remaining Toman members observed him drive, police's sirens echoing throughout Tokyo.

He swerved and drifted passed cars, all in which honked at him, but there was no time to waste. His soft, half-tied blonde hair up blew in Tokyo's cold wind. He attempted to speed his motorbike up, it was impossible, the limit was reached, greatly exceeding the number you're supposed to drive at.

Please stay alive, Mikey repeated in his head like a mantra, the booming sounds of honking cars and traffic becoming more distant as he drove away. Almost like an eternity he had to endure, unconscious bodies came into his line of view, you stood in the midst of it.

A hard yell of your name caught your attention, perking your head up like a dog. You were already facing him, his header lights shining off anyone in its view. Mikey panted, a sigh of utter relief escaping his lips. As a response, you weakly smile, yet it was agonising.

"I'm so glad you're—" Mikey began, but gasped as his eyes flipped to your exhausted expression.

You were at your limit. The small energy you had left was used to send him a weak smile, before you fell victim to unconsciousness, or death. You knew you might die, but you were so glad Mikey was the last person you caught a glimpse of before death took you away.

"Y/N, You're not leaving me, are you?" Mikey kneels, a hand snaking behind your nape and carefully manoeuvring your head onto his lap. His line of vision was clouded from the tears pooling in his eyes; not giving a care about the rain drenching either of you. The breathing in his throat hitched from the realisation of no pulse throbbing in your wrist.

Mikey lulled his head back, analysing the night's sky and feeling content at the way the millions of small stars all shone down. He loved that you never stopped caring, you pulled him out of the rotting abyss he once fell into. He thought about the way you'd usually hold him at home, the way your fingers would gingerly rake the knots in his messy hair, a small smile adorning your lips.

Mikey looks down at you again, fingers brushing over your face. You looked so calm and at ease, even at death's door, waiting to be accepted into heaven or hell. Even now when you're in his arms, limp, he hoped that you'd soon awaken, and surprise him with affection that he desired. But it's alright, he had to welcome the agony that was drowning him once more, another loved-one lost.

"Y/N. Thank you for everything. I'm sorry."


a/n: another angst 😵‍💫 but anyway hope you liked this shitty angst oneshot i was kinda tired when writing this

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