[.09] draken , angst

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a/n: in honour of 4k views this oneshot is longer
thank you for reading my messy fanfics <3
y'all seem to like angst so here's another one
i hope you don't mind but this has a happy ending as this is my third angst fanfic written in this book and one needs to have a happy ending at least 👰‍♂️

IMPORTANT: you are not y/n here, it was requested that you are emma:

┆彡 requested┆ken ryuguji / draken x fem!reader (emma) ┆warnings: extreme angst, characters death, manga spoilers, you've been warned ┆word count: 912 (edited)

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┆彡 requested
┆ken ryuguji / draken x fem!reader (emma)
┆warnings: extreme angst, characters death, manga spoilers, you've been warned
┆word count: 912 (edited)


—Tick, tick, tick... Was the noise the clock made as it repeatedly resonated, filling in the dry as dust atmosphere within the Asagaya Hospital's walls. It was so dull and such a sad place to be. The sickening scents of decaying bodies and the revolting foods they served.

But they were there, for you, he was thinking back on everything. His adorable little sister, whom he grew up with his whole life. His elder brother, who took care of you, him and Izana. So many things they wanted to say before you took your final breath, the certain one you loved so much, didn't even get to say a simple 'I love you.'

"Come outside with me, will 'ya?"

Their footsteps echoed as they met with the floor's white tiles. The colour white. It seemed like such a nice, simple colour. But the entire hospital was pretty bland, it's a hospital, what could one expect? The three all thought the same thing, it was nice to be out of there. It was extremely off-putting, the smells suffocated anyone who walked inside the building. But Draken couldn't bare to survey your corpse any longer, it slashed his heart. And yet, you looked so peaceful, like you were fast asleep, dreaming of a better life.

"How the fuck could you let this happen? Talk to me, you piece of shit." He didn't plan on stopping the incoming punches that vigorously met with his face, Mikey couldn't say anything, he wasn't there to save you; his precious naive sister.

"Didn't you start Toman to protect the people you love? Pah-chin got arrested! Baji's dead, the cops got Kazutora! And now Emma's..." The former vice captain ululated at his best friend in hatred, words trailing off into nothing.

"Emma's...!" He rasped, not building up enough courage to even say what you were. He didn't want to believe it, and yet the feeling of him living in an ordeal was insufferable. Draken longed for you to wake up, to show him those pretty love-struck eyes once more, the honey eyes that he realised he adored so much. The burning sensation in his throat was enough to tell he was close to crying, tears welling up and blinding his vision, with a single droplet rolling down his pale skin.


"Hey, Takemitchy. Please take good care of Mikey."

Blood spurted from his mouth, even if he tried breathing, it pained him, it hurt everywhere. His hands were paralysed, being forced to lay on his back on the wet ground, and stare at the dark gravel sky.

He spent his last few seconds alive reminiscing about the fun times he had with Toman, he greatly idolised Mikey. The lost of a few of his friends and siblings, he never showed signs of any weakness.

Draken remembered the time on New Years Eve, 2005; him and his close Toman friends rode at 4am, reaching Kujukuri Beach on their motorcycles. He found it funny how Mucho didn't want to come as it was too much of a hassle to take the car. And when Baji complained about how cold it was, they'd sprint across the sand, awaiting the arrival of both the sunrise and Hakkai and Mitsuya with the warm food from the convenience store.

It was a calming sight, and they all made the most out of it, while it lasted.

"I'm on my way, Emma."

. . .

Draken saw clouds, just clouds. Was he in heaven? Or what is this? He didn't know, but it was beautiful. The blinding sun in front was blocked by a figure, and that's when he caught sight of you; the alluring girl he loved since his eyes first laid onto you.

"Emma?" The soft, yet echoey call of your name caused you to desperately turn around, recognising the deep voice to be his.

"Draken?" You gasped, his legs acted on their own, building up the pace and sprinting; engulfing you into an embrace. As hearts pounded against ribcages, his hands came up to your cheeks, wiping the tears of joy that streamed down, and pulled you into a fierce kiss. A kiss you both craved for.

"Y'know," He goes to speak. "I was thinking about us, and our future together. I'd take you as my pretty wife. It's so cheesy, I know. But it's something I've wanted." Draken admitted with a shy grin.

"You look so... gorgeous, it hurts." He catches sight of your cheeks heating up, you cling onto him as both your bodies began to slowly fade.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah.." The last few words that were spoken, before both of you were sucked into some sort of God's nebula. Perhaps he wanted you to leave this Earth together, and live in the after life.


a/n: thanks for reading— it really isn't my best but hope you liked it <3

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