[.04] mitsuya takashi , fluff

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a/n: episode 24 was so good um kokonoi can i sit on ur lap???🏋️‍♀️

┆彡 not requested
┆mitsuya takashi x gn!reader
┆word count: 844


"It's gorgeous, but look at the price." You inwardly groan, staring at the price tag. In fact, the piece of clothing was way over your budget. The sigh you let out didn't go unnoticed by your boyfriend.

"I should get a job.."

Mitsuya laughed, and continued to walk along side you, hand in yours tightly. "I'm sure some places are hiring."

"Do you have a Toman meeting tomorrow at 8pm?"

"Yeah, I know what Mikey wants to discuss." It was a silent and calm walk the rest of the way, you cherished times where you could hang with Mitsuya, just alone. Luckily, Hakkai was busy with his sisters, and Peh-yan was probably writing to Pah-chin, who was still in jail.

The sounds of rain clashing outside was faintly heard over the rumbling chatter of everyone inside the shopping centre. Exiting, your suspicions were confirmed as it was heavily pouring from the gravel clouds.

"Oh, I'll walk you home, okay?" Mitsuya pulled out a transparent umbrella from his bag that was slumped over his shoulder.

"You sure you don't wanna attend to the sewing club at school?"

"Nah, I told them what to work on. I already planned to take you out to a shopping centre." You love him, he is a very considerate boyfriend and handles his responsibilities and priorities properly. That meant, taking care of Toman, Hakkai and his sisters, Peh-yan, you. This thought never failed to make your heart flutter.

The trip was already over, you shoved the keys into the doorknob, rotating it in a specific direction to unlock the door and waiting to hear it click. "Are you sure you'll be fine walking home?"

"Yeah, love. Don't worry 'bout me, my house's not too far away."

"Okay, be safe now. I love you." Before he lets go, he presses a kiss on your hand, and strolls away to leave your view. Unbeknownst to you, he had a surprise planned.


The final period of the day surely couldn't go on for much longer, it made you bored out of your mind, you were close to slamming your head against the table. The teacher rambled about assignments, you might as well procrastinate and leave it to the last minute... She stopped after realising the time written on the clock, saying her goodbyes and dismissing everyone.

"Y/N! Is that you? Wait, wait! Hey!" Just as you thought you'd be able to leave school without any problems, a male's voice boomed throughout the halls. If you had to guess, it would've been...

"Peh-yan! What is it?"

"Mitsuya wants you in the sewing club, yeah? Got it?" Peh-yan stomps towards you, throws an arm around your shoulder.

"You're so pushy, alright, I got it, Peh-yan." With a roll of your eyes, you click your tongue and saunter in the direction of the sewing room, where your boyfriend patiently waited for your arrival.

"He's got a surprise for you!"

"Shut up." Knocking on the sewing club's door, a female's voice was heard on the opposite side.

"I'm not ready for her." Peh cowers, the door flung open to reveal a girl you learned Peh-yan was fond of, the heat came to his cheeks, standing behind you awkwardly. It was way too obvious Peh-yan has a crush on her.

"O-Oh, Y/N?" She paused.

"Yeah? Y/N, come here." Mitsuya motioned.

"Is that a Toman jacket... for Takemichi?" He continued designing it, the careful concentration and precision of his hands was admirable.

"Yeah, he finally became an offical member for Tokyo Manji Gang. Oh, and just between you and me," Mitsuya's voice dropped down to a whisper.

"He's becoming the First Division Captain, with Chifuyu as the Vice Captain." Mitsuya confessed, ending it off with a chuckle.

"Really? He's not the strongest when controlling his emotions but I think he deserves this role in Toman, he did save Draken and a few others." You recall Peh-yan mentioned that your boyfriend had a surprise personally for you. His head shot up, hastily dragging you away and picking up a bag.

"That's right... I've got something for you."

The piece of clothing inside the bag was the exact same thing you saw at the store yesterday, you gently got it out, allowing it to unfold.

"This is... the same thing we saw—"

"Yeah, I went back to the shopping centre and bought it. I—um.." Mitsuya grins at your expression, scratching his nape, and hearing Peh-yan chuckle from the other side of the room.

"You didn't have to.." You found yourself in his arms, he returned your sudden hug quickly, arms encircling your waist, and stealing a kiss from your lips. Ignoring the comments coming from Peh-yan, you whispered a small, "I love you. Thank you." To which your boyfriend smiles in return, encasing his arms around your form.


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