[.17] bonten mikey , smut

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a/n: shit i haven't updated this book in ages and i didn't reply to the person's request for a couple of days 💀 very sorry abt that
(F/C = favourite colour)

┆彡 requested
┆bonten!mikey x fem!reader
┆warnings: heavy smut, teasing, lemon, swearing, 18+, explicit content, minors dni!
┆word count: 806


He kept on shaking his head at you, attempting to ignore the pout on your face, and being glad you weren't seated next to him at the table. You, along with the infamous Bonten gang, were out celebrating at a pub not many know about, only you guys. It was underground, a hidden bar only for Bonten.

Mikey knew your intentions, you were so pissed at him from earlier's incident, when you had a quickie and he teased you, not allowing you to orgasm. Here you were, silently, but needily begging to be alone in the same room with him. He was relieved Sanzu, Kakucho and Rindou were filling in the seats between to separate you both. But the second they were all dismissed, you would definitely pounce onto him.

Mikey held the alcoholic drink in his hand, swishing it around and hearing the ice clatter in the glass, taking one last swing before placing it down. He observed amongst the men, who chatted to each other and were lost in conversation, Sanzu raising a drink and offering it to anyone who wanted it. The gang's leader sighed, receiving the attention of the men seated closer to him.

"You're finished here. Go." Much to some of their dismay, he was kicking them out of the pub. This rather put a grin on your face, allowing you to have some time with Bonten's leader. Kokonoi asked why they were leaving, as he got out of the door, his lengthy white hair flowing from the wind.

"They're probably gonna... y'know.. fuck." Everyone knew what he meant. Sanzu was, without a doubt, right. He snickered, a wide grin plastering his face. Mikey watched Bonten exit the underground pub, being ready any moment for you to jump onto him, but it didn't happen, much to his surprise.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" You spat venomously, Mikey stayed in the same lazy position; arms dangling behind the seats, his legs spread, as if it was some sort of invitation. He didn't say anything.

"You didn't let me cum earlier. You're an ass." You move around in your seat, the short and tight dress hugging your body.

"If you want one so badly, why don't you come over here?"

Mikey was a teaser, he enjoyed seeing you begging on your knees, praising you and repeatedly calling his 'good girl.' Until you satisfied him, he gave you what you desired. Your [F/C] dress was discarded on the floor, along with the rest of your garments, hair messy from the intense make out between you and the man below you; pussy hovering over his cock, precum dripping from the tip.

"C'mon, ride me."

"You don't have to tell me." In a heartbeat, you lowered yourself onto him, a relieved moan escaping your glossed lips. Mikey's hands gripped your waist, fingers digging into the flesh of your skin, leaving red marks, as you bounced on his lap. Your head hung back, eyes screwed shut from the amount of pleasure you felt from his length slipping in and out of you with each movement.

Your hips sped up, wanting to get your release as soon as possible. His hands roamed your back, sliding over the plump of your ass and whispering praising to you, saying "you look so good on top of me."

As you kept up the same pace, riding him and chasing your high, a knot in the pit of your stomach caused you to plead and curse out loud. "I'm gonna—"

"Cum. Yeah... Keep on going, that's a good girl." He rasped, your heat throbbing more once his hand found its way onto your neck, latching on tightly, the airflow in your throat closing up from his grasp. Causing only choked moans to elicit from your gaping mouth, as you rode out your high. Before he could get his pleasure, you hopped off his lap, he whipped his head up from your actions.

"It's payback for what you did earlier." You clothed yourself quickly, not bothering to try and zip up your dress properly, your bare back completely exposed. You giggled, walking out of the bar, swaying your hips as you felt his lustful gaze on your body.

"That woman is gonna be the death of me."


a/n: i was so lazy to finish writing this. i started it last month 💀 well here is the mikey smut fanfic that one person wanted
i noticed i got another mikey fanfic request im gonna get to that one later.

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