[.23] baji keisuke , fluff + smut

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┆baji keisuke x fem!reader
┆warnings: TIMESKIP BAJI !! suggestive themes, drunk sex, swearing, public sex, explicit content, not proofread
┆word count: 1393
Fuck I got carried away...I think this is more lime and smut but anyway... also why is bro so majestic especially in that photo ??


The bar is bustling with a diverse range of clientele; the coloured lights illuminating the divine establishment, and the lively atmosphere adding to the bar's charm. Your eyes scan around in search of a particular man. It's when you made it towards the last booth in the back, a pair of strong arms snake around your waist. You're pulled against someone's chest, followed by a familiar deep chuckle reverberating in your ear.

"Hey, gorgeous. Been awhile, huh?" Baji Keisuke. The man you're so incredibly fond of.

"You certainly know how to make an entrance." You comment, relaxing into his embrace and allowing him to hold your waist.

"Only for you, of course." Baji is heard chuckling, his thumb caressing your stomach through your dress. He's completely captivated by everything about you. Your presence, appearance, body.. Baji presses a trail of light kisses against your exposed neck and shoulders, his breath warm on your skin.

"I missed you," Baji murmurs. "So much. I couldn't stop thinking of you."

You turn around in his embrace, leaning in and connecting your lips with his in a kiss full of longing. It merely lasted a few seconds. Baji is slightly surprised, but reciprocates it swiftly, kissing you back with just as much fervour.

Once you pulled away, you speak up. "You can never get me off your mind, can you? I'm all you think about." That signature grin of his never falters, in fact it widens, but a faint blush dusts his cheeks. 

"Yeah.. you're not wrong about that. I love thinking about you." Baji sheepishly admits, his lovestruck gaze fixated on you. His eyes trail down, admiring every curve and contour your enticing figure possesses.

"You're beautiful... So damn beautiful." Baji gawks, and he doesn't bother to hide it. He's appreciative of your efforts to look nice for him. "All this, just for me?"

You seat yourself down in the booth, his hungry gaze never leaving your form. "Yeah.. I love it when your eyes are on me." You say, but this time, your tone is different. It's seductive, teasing almost. Baji looks intrigued by this, his fervent smile still displayed.

"Ah... Would you prefer if my hands were also on you?" Baji sits himself down beside you. This makes you chuckle softly, a bit surprised by his words.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Your bodies are dangerously close, feeling the warmth radiating off each other. "In fact, I'm quite interested.."

Baji eagerly takes this as an invitation, his hand steadily crawling up your thigh, itching closer to your most intimate area. He's excited and aroused, if it wasn't already obvious. His attempts at teasing you are amusing; your own hand placed onto his thigh. It causes him to gasp softly, biting his bottom lip in anticipation.

"Later, Baji... for now, let's order some drinks." Giving his thigh a firm squeeze makes a soft groan fall from his mouth, his arousal growing by the second. Slowly, a grin makes it way onto his face, though feeling slightly disappointed.

"You're such a tease, [Y/N].." Baji murmurs. You order drinks, indulging in the finest beverages the bar has to offer. Of course, inevitably after a few drinks, you and him begin to feel tipsy. Your mind is clouded with alcohol and desire. In a haze of arousal, you mumble against his ear.

"I want you..."

The words send a surge of exhilaration coursing through his veins, his body instinctively responding to your suggestive voice. Baji drags you out of the bar, albeit rather clumsily due to the influence of the alcohol. He has no idea where he's taking you, but it didn't really matter. Baji pulls you into an alleyway, it's dark and not many people are around during this time.

"I want you too," He pushes you against the wall, his words slurred and his actions hasty. Baji's hands are firmly gripping your hips, occasionally moving up and down your sides. "So badly.." He adds, his breath hot on your own lips.

Your lips meet his in a sloppy kiss, your tongues mingling in a dance full of passion and desperation. You can taste the sweet tang of his margarita, his hands exploring every inch of your body and adding to the intensity of the situation. Your hand trails down his abdomen, palming his growing bulge, a testament to the arousal he's experiencing. This action forces a guttural groan to escape his mouth.

"Oh, fuck, [Y/N].. You're driving me crazy." Baji attaches his lips to your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin, with the occasional graze of his canines. You continued to palm his erection, his uncontrollable groans fueling your own desire.

"Fuck.. oh, fuck. Keep touching me, just like that.."  A sharp gasp elicits from him as you free his throbbing cock from the confines of his pants. Your strokes are driving him wild with nothing but lust, his hips instinctively bucking into your tantalising touch. Baji doesn't bother to keep quiet, the effects of the booze tell him he can be as loud as he wants. So he does just that, continuous groans and grunts falling from his lips.

"I wanna be inside you. I wanna feel you. I'll do anything to feel how tight you are.." Baji's desperation reached its peak, lifting you up by the thighs and pressing you against the wall.

"Yes... I want that too." You whisper desperately, wrapping your legs around him. Baji kisses you deeply, his tongue tasting your own. You return his drunken kiss with equal passion. He moves your panties to the side, exposing your glistening arousal to his hungry gaze. It almost makes him drool, and he aligns himself up, pushing inside you with a slow, deliberate thrust. You gasp at the intrusion, a deep groan sounding from Baji as he savours the warm feeling of your pussy.

"Fuck... you're.. you're tighter than I thought.." Baji begins to move his hips, starting off with a quick pace due to his impulses. He doesn't give you much time to adjust to his size, making you moan in both pain and pleasure. He thrusts urgently into your warmth, feeling so deep and full within you.

"So good, so tight and wet.." Heavy pants and incoherent sayings escape him. He's completely drunk off the sensation of your tightness, his thrusts speeding up as he chases his own orgasm.

"Baji! Oh.. god, oh fuck. You're so big." A hint of pride flashes across his face upon hearing you moan about his size, a grin adorning his features.

"You.. you like that, don't you..?" Baji grunts, his own release rapidly building up with each forceful thrash of his hips. "You like how deep I am?"

"Yes! I'm so close.." Your soft moans make him lose control, his firm grip on your thighs tightening. His tip kisses that sweet spot within you so many times. You lull your head back, a crescendo of your moans and whines echoing in the alleyway.

"Fuck, baby, 'M so close." Baji groans, his aim primarily focused on bringing you and him to the brink of ecstasy. His cock pounds into you at an alarming pace, the sounds of skin coming in contact filling the air. The pleasurable tightening within your abdomen caused you to moan his name.

"Baji! I'm cumming.." Your body convulses from the intense pleasure, clenching around his cock as you came with a loud moan. This causes him to moan, slamming mercilessly into your pussy and greedily chasing after his release. With a few more movements, he spills himself inside you, his own body trembling due to his orgasm. Uncontrollable groans leave his mouth, his hips finally slowing down for now.. You breath heavily, calming down from your climax.

But a soft whimper sounds from you when Baji suddenly begins moving again, resuming his previous actions.


I got SO lazy towards the end what the fuck 1000+ words 🫡 but anyway thank u so much for the support tho!!? this book is almost at 200k views woop woop

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