[.10] kokonoi hajime , angst

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a/n: akane is still alive here but she is younger since i needed to age her down
the fire did happen but they managed to survive
so i imagine akane has a few scars

┆彡 requested
┆ kokonoi hajime x seishu and akane's older sister!reader i said gender neutral before but edited it because it didnt make sense ☠️
┆warnings: angst, minor fluff, manga spoilers, mentions of killing
┆word count: 720


Being the eldest of the Inui family meant that your top priority was keeping your younger siblings, Seishu and Akane safe, and Koko as well. But they'd usually do their little own thing, especially Seishu; he'd join big gangs, so would Koko. Even if you saw them grow up together, you would never have thought they'd go the path of delinquents and violence.

Every time you'd look at your brother, your eyes would tend to falter onto the deep burn scar that took up a part of his face, decorating his pale skin and making his emerald eyes stand out more. The fire that burnt down your house years ago, thankfully you had a high paying job, taking your family and finding somewhere else to live.

Here, you found yourself staring out the window of a top-storey building. Your back was turned to your partner, Koko's fingers precisely typing away at his keyboard, his neck sore from the hunched-over position he was in. Koko just.. kept on giving you glances, some longer than others. His cat-like eyes admiring, or observing, he liked you, he really did. Koko may go as far as to say he loved you, But he didn't believe you felt the same way.

"What's wrong?" Your question caught him off guard, to which he responds with a low hum, and stammers a bit. As he was doing so, your head turned,  awaiting his response.

"You're never one to stammer, Koko." Spinning around almost fully, his black eyes were already met with yours, pupils dilating in.. desire, perhaps. There was a strong connection, it was tension, maybe, tension that needed to be lifted. The feeling—it might've been mutual in his eyes, but Kokonoi was reminded. Every time he'd gaze at you for longer periods of time, flashes of your future with him would mess with his mind.

It was a future that was supposed to be, something he craved for with you. Something that would most likely never last, as in the end, the result is that you were killed. And that he joins some sort of infamous criminal organisation. It may have been so cheesy; the silly dreams he would have about you. Kokonoi wanted to push away the thoughts of putting a ring on your finger and officially calling you his.

What would his best friend and Akane think? They both look up to you like a mother-figure. Kokonoi abruptly stood from his seat, walking to stand at the window, not bothering to look at you.

Silence was enough to tell you that was his answer, nothing was wrong, or that he didn't have a reason for suddenly stammering. Koko thought if he told you what was on his mind, and how he looks at you, you might think he's just dreaming too big and going insane.

"What do you think'll happen in the future, for me 'n you?" Kokonoi spoke, still staring out the window, eyes flickering from buildings and pedestrians from below, and finally at the stars above. They all shone down on everything, 1, 2, 3... too many to count.

"I don't know. What were you thinking?"

"Our future together, what do you think?" It was a bold question, and at this point he was cussing himself out for it. His silly dreams and hopes with you are beyond, he wants to be satisfied, money has clearly ruined him. But he believes money is what makes someone happy, you can buy anything.

He loves money, it's the key to everything, so he thought. But as love got the better of him, he doesn't love it as much as he loves you. He may not ever admit.

"...I don't think our future holds much, Koko. I'm sorry."


a/n: ending it off on a disappointing note
maybe Koko and the reader will get together 🧑🏼‍🦲
anyway thanks for reading!!

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