[.19] matsuno chifuyu , fluff

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— i haven't published anything in ages and will shed a tear if this doesn't get as many views as my others ☠️

┆彡 requested
┆matsuno chifuyu x male!reader
┆word count: 406


Chifuyu was in a state of indescribable happiness, fondness blooming in his chest as he watched his hand locked with yours. It was some sort of giddy feeling he'd get every time you'd hold his hand, a blush creeping onto his cheeks when you'd catch him grinning.

"What's with you?" You asked teasingly.

"Nothing!" You and Chifuyu laughed afterwards, hopping onto your motorcycle, which had custom changes to it made sincerely by Shinichiro. You especially liked the little stickers Chifuyu had placed onto it for fun.

He liked your company, he liked driving with you. As a matter of fact, he was so in love with you. Chifuyu thought you were a dream, the prettiest boy he'd ever seen.

Encircling his arms around your waist for support, you both drove off in the direction of your destination. It was not a far drive, but Chifuyu wanted to make the most out of the current position you and him were in, he rested his cheek against your back.

"I see you're comfortable," He heard your laughs, making him abruptly sit up. It's when he realised you'd both arrived at the beach, where you planned to meet with some Toman members. Mikey was the first to notice your arrival, leaving Draken behind to greet the two of you. He said you were happy you guys came, admitted to missing you. Baji ran up and tackled you and Chifuyu into a hug, knocking the air from your lungs.

The group of delinquents cackled and ran off, playing volleyball on the warm sand, leaving you to be alone with Chifuyu. He wasn't standing next to you, rather a little ways behind you on the side. You noticed his absence, whipping your head around to be met with the boy you fell in love with. Matsuno Chifuyu. His heart skipped a beat at the smile you flashed him, knowing he wanted to remains yours forever if it would mean he'd get to always see those smiles.

He was in love, and couldn't be happier that you felt the same way.


┆彡 sorry for the delay! this one's a bit rushed and i didn't have any other ideas of my own, but thank you for the request, i liked writing this !

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