[.11] kakucho hitto , fluff + angst

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a/n: didn't publish this oneshot earlier because mental health problems having been kicking my ass
btw kakucho is in bonten here

the prompt is kakucho and reader were separated for years then they find each other (sanzu unknowingly helped so gotta owe it to sanzu)

┆彡 requested
┆kakucho hitto x gn!reader
┆warnings: slight manga spoilers
┆word count: 550


Lurking the streets at night anywhere always managed to bring discomfort to you. They were especially worse when creepy old men and sketchy people roamed in dimly lit alleyways, hitting on young women, or engaging in illegal activities.

Not too long ago, a psychotic pink haired freak abruptly pushed you against a stone wall, pressing the end of his gun to your neck, hot breath ghosting over the goosebumps forming on your skin as he whispered disturbing things in your ear. He found you attractive, but seemingly didn't know how to properly express his feelings.

The man, who you learned went by Sanzu, ended up leaving as a man he was familiar with scared him off. And here the anonymous guy was, profusely apologising to you.

"I apologise on his behalf, he's lost his mind. Drugs took a toll on him." The lamp post hovering above allowed you to observe him much clearer, despite his head being bowed, you could catch on that he had a black undercut, along with wearing something formal.

As his head lifted, his lips opened to speak, but stopped. His eyes weren't playing tricks, they didn't dare to deceive him. Memories he was close to forgetting came flooding back into his mind. You. You were the same person he fell in love with several years ago. The same person he knew he might not be able to see again.


A soothing whisper of your name rolled off his tongue, and that's when you remembered how much you missed him saying your name.


The boy you once knew was so different, he let his hair grow, he was of slim build. You spotted the scar that accompanied his beautiful features on his face, you used to always remind him that his scar was so pretty, and you'd use a finger to firmly trace it, planting light-feather kisses to it. He really loved your touch. It's what got you so interested, the scar that decorated a part of his face.

You hesitated, but ran as fast as your legs could take you, desperately falling into his arms and creating the warmth the two of you never knew you missed so much. The murmurs and whimpers coming from you were muffled from pressing your face into his chest, Kakucho repeated like a mantra about how grateful he was, that you were back in his arms again, after prolonged years of being apart.

It felt so good, a pretty moment that felt eternal, but you were now together. Wet droplets of tears were shredding from eyes, Kakucho's face broke more while he took a good look at you, unable to maintain both the sadness and ecstatic feeling in his gut, he couldn't believe he was blessed with someone like you. Kakucho loved being in your arms.

a/n: thanks for being patient with me
wasn't bothered with writing lmao sorry
thank you for reading!! <3

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