[.16] shion madarame , angst + fluff

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a/n: sorry i haven't updated in awhile, school has been shitty there's so many assignments due and it's almost the end of the semester. like nobody wants to do this work fr🧑🏼‍🦲🔫

┆彡 requested
┆shion madarame x fem!reader
┆warnings: swearing because it's shion, past breakup, past toxic relationships, angst, fluff
┆word count: 532


"It's over. I can't do this anymore."

Those were the last couple of words Shion heard come out of your mouth, before your footsteps gained pace and got further away from him, tapping against the pavement. A flicker of the light-post above his head snapped him back to reality, he was just too stunned, and eventually realised you were completely out of view.

He stood and watched, allowing his head to cock down, a few strands of his long blond hair falling, dangling in front of his eye. But he didn't care, all he knew is that he fucked up, pretty badly. It was a bit of a toxic relationship, you weren't happy with him, but did what you needed to do, and got him out of your life.

Shion found himself turning around, and heading into the other direction, but to nowhere in particular, head empty and only thinking of you. That's the way he was, moving towards no specific destination. Just eye-balling it, and seeing where it might take him. He only wanted to get lost for a bit, maybe it could clear his mind.

For a man who was known to be cruel, he somehow handled the situation calmly. His merciless, bloodthirsty-like personality scared even his gang members. He didn't dare to raise his voice at the girl he loved the most, not at all. He still hasn't stopped loving, nor thinking of you.

It's some sort of feeling in his chest, every time you'd give him attention, even if it's just something simple, his heart rate increased, always attempting to look away and hide his grinning face. He was too lovesick to let go.

"Fuck." Shion's neck was aching from the uncomfortable posture, hands buried in his Tenjiku coat to create some warmth. His slender eyes longed for a few hours worth of sleep, kicking a rusty can beneath his feet, off the side walk and onto some person's lawn.

. . .

Shion never wanted to think about what happened in the past.

Up until this day, he still doesn't, as you rested your head against his chest, a peaceful expression adorning your face; eyes fluttered closed and undertaken by sleep, light snores coming from you, which he chuckled at. He hasn't recalled a moment where he's seen someone so at ease, even when they're not awake, some could call it creepy since he's admiring you sleep. But you were here, again, in his arms.

It is all that mattered, a smirk curved a corner of his mouth. Shion Madarame loved you being in his arms.


a/n: i was lazy with this oneshot i'm sorry 💀 that's why the word count is a bit lower than usual
if this is confusing, basically after two years, u and him get back together. that's why the reader was in his arms towards the end

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