[.15] draken , lemon

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┆彡 requested
┆timeskip ken ryuguji / draken x fem!reader
┆warnings: lemon, smut, dom!draken, unprotected sex, 18+, explicit content, nsfw, minors pls dni!
┆word count: 508


Your husband always had a habit of watching you do daily tasks, he just enjoys admiring you in silence. A small smile usually gracing his lips, grin getting wider every time you'd catch him staring, and ask if something is wrong.

"Nothing, baby." He would be so distracted at the sight of you, he ends up stopping whatever he was previously doing, and just gape at you. But occasionally, he would catch glimpses of your bare skin, it's like you were purposely teasing him. It's his weak spot.

A rather similar incident occurred today, you were undressing and changing clothes in the same room as him, he was seated on the bed, not being able to help the tightening in his pants every time he looked at you. As you held the dress, a hand grasped it, being discarded elsewhere in the room. You looked up to see Draken with a smirk on his face, towering over you with his height.

He inclines into your ear, running his hand over the curve of your ass, catching sight of the saturated part that stained your panties. "You need to stop teasing me like this, you know what happens, don't you?"

That's how you found yourself, unable to form a proper sentence without moaning in both pain and pleasure. Draken's deathly grip left imprints and bruises on your hips, each rut from him caused you to lull your head back. You weren't sure if this was a fantasy or actually reality, but no complaints were heard from you, he was fucking you dumb. You choked out pathetic whines as Draken encloses a hand around your neck, the airflow lightly cutting off.

"I thought you knew what happens? Guess you have to learn the hard way, love." He relished the way you'd squirm every single time he would brutally push himself deeper inside. The heat coming to your aching core as you tried to move your hips to meet perfectly with his thrusts. You moan out a "please," his ruts halted, much to your dismay.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Harder, please."

Draken sensually chuckled, this time, slamming his hips with more force than before, hearing the loud slaps of his skin against yours. Your moans turned into cries, tears trickling down your cheeks. But both of you know you don't regret pleading for him to go faster. He kissed your chest a few times, elevating your leg over his shoulder to bury his cock deeper.

The angle he was fucking you at made you clench, feeling his cock convulse, signalling he was only a couple of thrusts away from releasing himself. Your eyes screwed shut in ecstasy, a whole babbling mess of words as his cum seeps inside. Draken draws away, onyx eyes gaping at your worn body, both of you panting heavily like dogs in heat.

"Was that enough? Or shall we go again?"


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