[.12] imaushi wakasa , fluff + angst

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a/n: this takes place when he is in brahman
i made the reader 25-26 here since it would make sense (because waka is 27)

┆彡 requested
┆imaushi wakasa x fem!reader
┆warnings: fluff, angst, violence, blood/gore, minor manga spoilers
┆word count: 577


The Ferris wheel gradually moved in a circle, lights that beautifully decorated it bloomed like a plethora of colours. This place made both of you and Wakasa feel more carefree, more happier.

Wakasa thought about earlier, when your hand fitted into his comfortably, while you both wandered around the bright, almost blinding festival; catching sight of a claw machine and trying it out. He will never forget the look of triumph on your face when the item was successfully grabbed, a grin stretching your lips when you were handed the toy.

You acted like kids, it was so fun, not having to think or deal with Brahman, or anything else for that matter. Your boyfriend was always glad when he was with you, treasuring the moments you had together.

Even now, neither of you have stopped thinking about it, whilst Wakasa gently held your limp body in his arms, caressing your bruised cheek and seeing you wince. Your body was like a work of art, or an exquisite porcelain doll, meant to be held with great care and love. He didn't know what you did to deserve a bruised, battered body, but it wasn't pretty.

His heart slammed, hastening whilst simultaneously carrying your limp self, the view of the hospital coming in sight. Waka never liked hospitals, they always had an unpleasant scent and atmosphere. But Wakasa didn't give a care. His top priority was you.

Wakasa watched the nurses take your subconscious self away into a room, the crimson sign read 'operation in progress' above the doors lighting up. He wasn't left with much of a choice but to sit in the hallway, forcing to hear the clock ticking, replacing the silent atmosphere.

Walking around to try and ease his mind, his bored eyes faltered onto the glass window outside of your room. Tuning out the clock's repeated ticking, he picked up on the beeps of your slow heart rate monitor. The worst could never happen, Wakasa knew you so well, he knew you wouldn't die such a boring death. But if it did end up happening, he might as well start praying.

He undertook the long process of waiting for you to awaken, it was so tedious, although he was committed to wait for as long as it took. Wakasa was dreaming of something fun, some good to come his way, maybe that 'want' was granted as the sounds of a female's light chuckles that matched yours made his ears perk up.

"Oh, fuck. Y/N, don't scare me like that." A sigh of relief came from the man, he wasn't sure how to express his feelings of gratitude properly. Wakasa's mind acted on its own, scooping your hand into his and blessing the beaten skin with firm kisses. He was always wearing that droopy, bored expression, he wasn't the type to be patient, but it made you glad he was devoted on waiting for you.

"I knew you wouldn't give up that easily."


a/n: currently 12am and about to fall asleep but i wanted to finish this oneshot
thanks for reading and my bad if there are any sentences that are grammatically incorrect
just really tired rn</3

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