[.14] hanma shuji , lime

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a/n: this is a lime oneshot, so hanma's older timeskip is used (refer to image above) hanma's timeskip is kinda hot ok bye☠️

┆彡 not requested
┆hanma shuji x gn!reader
┆warnings: minor manga spoilers, yandere-ish hanma, ex-relationships, unhealthy relationships, suggestive themes/lime
┆word count: 754


A hard clash of thunder sounded miles away, and along came rain, he took another drag of his cigarette before it went out like a torch, inhaling the smoke into his lungs. He couldn't count how many cigarettes he had in just one week, he didn't care, as he subconsciously plucked a petal from the flower beside him.

A sizzle from the cigarette told him it went out, gathering the strength he had left and rose to his feet, moving away from the grave. The tired man looked around, eyes heavy and longed for sleep. He wished he could sleep comfortably in a bed, have a roof over his head, and forget about his worries.

Hanma has never recalled a moment where he felt so lost, he used to be a leader who'd take great pride in anything, that was the thing, pride was gonna be the death of him. He was just a quiet, depressed individual who roamed the streets, in search of something; he didn't know at this point.

Flicking the cig onto the ground and watching it soak further, he trudged away to nowhere in particular, but wondered if your house was in the right direction. He was hopeless, he didn't know where he was going.

Hanma was undoubtably a junky, not very pure but knows loyalty well, and understands how to show it. Even after the break up, he still thinks about you, not a day goes by when he doesn't. Some say he might be an obsessed ex-boyfriend, but could he help it? You were intoxicating to him.

Hanma didn't realise how much he missed hearing you say his name, as he now stood in front of you, liking the confused call of his name from you, leaning on the door frame lazily.

"I told you not to come back." Another thing Hanma loved about you was how stern and straightforward you could be, you weren't someone who couldn't stand their ground. Hanma let out a quick "hm" and grinned, pushing aside your protests and letting himself into your house.

"You know, Y/N... I'm real sick of living on the streets, it pains me to not own a house."

"Get the fuck out of—"

"Ah, ah, ah—I'm not finished. I was thinking.. It would be better if I moved in. You have room for someone else, don't you?" Hanma rasps, throat croaky from the lack of water. He walks around the lounge room, golden eyes analysing everything in sight.

"For the last time, no, Hanma."

Hanma looked at your brows furrowing. "Oh? So... what might convince you otherwise, my dear Y/N?" He toyed, dragging out the last couple of words with his lazy tone.


"Nothing? Ah, You sure?" Hanma's tongue ran across his teeth, the much taller man loomed over you, he reeked of trash and cigarettes, a grimace accompanied your face as you smelt it from his breath ghosting over your lips.

"I won't ask again, you're sure nothing'll change your mind?" A dirty hand was placed on your cheek, thumb stretching your bottom lip whilst he awaited your answer. Once he patiently waited, he got time to look at you properly, for the first time in awhile. It's when you exhale worriedly, that he realised how long he'd been gazing at you for. A beautiful sight, he thought.

Hanma had never seen some so heavenly, he'd be lying if he said you weren't the most ethereal person he'd ever met. Both of you knew he would tease until he got what he wanted out of you, and that's why you found yourself underneath him, completely nude. A hot, panting mess in the aftermath, palms sweaty as your ex held onto your hands. You hated him, you despised his intentions and his past acts with you. You can imagine the triumphant look on his face as he's won you over, a wide grin stretching from ear to ear.

"I know you missed me, just as much as I missed you."


a/n: thank you for reading 😵‍💫 i seriously didnt know where to go with the ending
but i got an idea for hanma and he's my favourite character so had to write for him

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