[.21] senju kawaragi , smut

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┆senju kawaragi x fem!reader
┆warnings: explicit content, AGED UP CHARACTERS! smut, nsfw 18+ content, minors dni, Yuri content/girlxgirl (im not good at writing yuri smut)
┆word count: 765


"I don't know if this is gonna work."

Your chin rested in the palm of your hand, you looked over at the girl across from you. She had pink tinted cheeks, and was only wearing her bra. There was an awkward air of silence that lingered, which didn't make the ordeal any better.

Sleepovers were common between you and Senju, her brothers - Takeomi and Sanzu, didn't mind if you came over often. In fact, they both warmed up to you. You'd do the usual; play games, gossip, binge watch your favourite series, or shopping. Although, this night was different from the rest, something you didn't see yourselves ever doing.

Senju called you because she wanted to try out something new, she sounded nervous over the phone which got you confused. She ended up coming over to your house, and she had given a vague reason.

She explained she saw this particular video playing on Takeomi's computer when he left it open before falling asleep, she never asked him about it - but it involved girls who were naked, and she figured it was sexual.

You didn't ignore the disappointed sigh that came from her, she was averting her gaze elsewhere around your room. You grumbled and stood up, opening your wardrobe's doors and searching until your fingers curled around a phallic object.

"I got something..."

Senju eagerly ran over, wearing a bewildered look over her features. Her face burned bright at the toy in your hand, being surprised you had such a thing sitting in your closet.

"I didn't know you had a dildo," The white haired girl laughed, although there was a hint of nervousness in her tone. "Are we.. gonna try that?"

"Yeah, if you're up for it." Even if the room was pretty dark with only LED lights on, Senju saw a grin plastered on your face, and she was thankful you couldn't see her blushing face.

You watched as she sat on the floor with her back against your bed. Her body was tense with anticipation, allowing you to spread her legs and hold the phallic object close to her clit. A shaky breath fell from her mouth, which was enough to tell you she was anxious.

"It'll hurt for a second."

"That isn't so reassuring..." She claimed, your hand found its way into hers, giving it a squeeze.

"Just relax." You moved the tip of the object further down her slit, pushing a small portion of it inside. She trusted you enough to let you continue, she knew you wouldn't want to purposely hurt her. Once she gave you the signal of consent, you inserted the rest in, slowly. Senju bit her lip, not enjoying the way it stretched her out.

A breath she didn't know she was holding in escaped her mouth, her shoulders were strained even though you asked her to relax. The grip she had on your hand increased, making it feel like it would break any minute. You brushed the feeling aside, rubbing your thumb over her hand soothingly.

"Keep going..." Her breathing became more heated as your hand repeated the same motion of going in and out. This new feeling wasn't exciting her as much as she thought it would, that was until the tip touched her g-spot, sending a shockwave of pleasure through her. It was a feeling so foreign she didn't know what to do. Her head fell back in ecstasy, instinctively placing her hands on your shoulders.

Ripples of pleasure made her body stiffen up, as she could feel her orgasm building up with each pump of the phallic object. Senju basked in this strange foreign feeling, it was too good, she wanted more. She almost felt embarrassed; being so vulnerable in front of you. The girl's hips bucked into your hand, trying to milk as much of that blissful feeling as possible. It came crashing down onto her, moaning as she was experiencing the peak of her high.

Senju composed herself after you pulled the dildo out, trying to steady her heavy breathing. Her cheeks were flushed, her chest was rising and falling. Her eyes met with yours, lust coating her gorgeous green irises.


sorry for not updating any of my books, i had covid for a week and was losing the will to live 🥴 anyway here's my first yuri fanfic idk if i like it LMAO
also #Senjusupremacy

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