[.02] matsuno chifuyu , fluff

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┆彡 not requested
┆matsuno chifuyu x gn!reader
┆word count: 461


It was quite violent, yet amusing at the same time. Every punch that was forcefully met with someone's cheek either ended with them groaning or falling to the ground. Toman's team was greatly outnumbered against the infamous gang known as Valhalla, but as a matter of fact, they were somehow winning. None of it really interested you, as the Haitani brothers had dragged you to the fight.

"Why'd you bring me here again?"

"To monitor the fight with us, you are our best friend after all." Rindou says, flashing you a small smirk.

"Okay, well—" You stand up, your legs wobbly and uncomfortable from the tingling sensation of pins and needles.

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere away from here." Your attention turns back to the fight, before you begin walking, a boy's turquoise painted eyes had caught sight of you. His guard was seemingly down, but he managed to dodge incoming punches.

'Focus on the damn fight.' You thought. Jumping down from each rusty car, his eyes still were fixated on you. The boy was seemingly so interested in you, he didn't even want to focus on the fight at hand.

'Fan behaviour,' You grin at the thought and exit throughout the abandoned car lot's metal gates. The rumble came to an end, police and ambulance sirens echoing in the area.


"Hey," A boy's voice spoke out to you.

"Huh?" You weren't deceived, it was the same kid you saw at the gang's hungry blood feud that occurred a week back.

"You, again?"

"Yeah, I saw you monitoring the fight between Toman and Valhalla."

"Seems I was interesting. Your death glare was enough." You point out, causing the blond kid to apologise and scratch his nape nervously.

"Anyway... do you like peyang yakisoba?" The boy extends his arm out, gripping the Japanese food in his hand, it was only half eaten. He kept the shy grin gracing his lips.

"I have some leftovers, if you'd like some?" The kid offered, he seemed to be friendly enough, you patted the seat beside you, being handed the warm noodles.

"Thanks, we just met and you're giving me peyang... What's your name?" You ask after putting the food in the mouth.


"Y/N." Your words were muffled from the noodles, Chifuyu laughed at this.

As neither of you knew, your friendship in the later months would develop into something else. A relationship was happily formed, Chifuyu couldn't describe the euphoric feeling in his gut the second you asked him to be his.

His one and only, forever.


a/n: thank u for reading:) chifuyu is one of my favourites so i definitely wanted to write a fluff oneshot for him <3

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