[.08] shinichiro sano , lemon

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i was writing this at mcdonald's by the way

┆彡 requested (i think??)
┆shinichiro sano x fem!reader
┆warnings: lemon, smut, 18+ content, minors dni, shinichiro pull out game = weak, sub y/n
┆word count: 906


"I hate you."

No more words were spoken, his leg was positioned between your thighs, rubbing against your aching core, begging to have some attention. You tried hiding it, but Shinichiro was intoxicating to you, he twists his words, he was so hard to read at times. What a mess you'd gotten yourself into.

"Hmph, liar." Hearing the cocky smirk in his voice made you want to push him off your body, but something stopped you from doing so.

"You're imagining things. Your attempt to seem all enigmatic just makes you look stupid." The dark prevented you from seeing his face, but you KNEW he was still smirking, he was teasing you, pushing your buttons and trying to get a reaction out of you.

"Don't play dumb. You know you want this, just as much as I do." His voice dropped an octave at least, and it might've been enough to send you over the edge. Shinichiro leans into your ear, slowly dragging his tongue along your jawline in the middle of doing so.

"I can feel your heart racing, it's pounding." His bony hand tickled your side as it ran down your body, tracing squiggly lines in an attempt to toy with you. He reached your core, long fingers ghosting over your sex, eliciting a shaky breath from your lips.

"See, you like this, don't you? You're enjoying yourself." Shinichiro hummed in amusement, observing as you squirmed underneath his slow touch. The same hand crawled up your skirt, hooking onto the rim of your panties, tugging at them and allowing the article of clothing to fall down your bare legs.

"My, my... You're soaking." He rasped, feeling the translucent substance from your sex coating his fingers. "What a naughty girl." He clicked his tongue, ridiculing you for already getting wet. It's not like you could help it.

"Darling, what happened to the attitude earlier, hm?" He goaded, watching your annoyed expression contort into an erotic one as he stuck one finger inside. You both knew he was so close to breaking your facade, he only just desired to hear you scream under him.

"You've gone quiet on me. What's wrong? I've touched you like this, many... many times."  Your act couldn't keep up anymore, you knew you wanted this as much as he did, and he was gonna keep on playing with you until you gave in.

"I'm all yours."

It wasn't long until he completed disrobed you, discarding each other's clothing on the floor. He grinned, you were like a lamb entering the lions den, in for a surprise. Shinichiro lubricated himself using the liquid trickling from your throbbing sex, holding you still by your hips; lust-filled eyes looking over your shoulder for permission, before inserting his length all in, enjoying the way you whined at just a small, yet pleasurable action.

He happily obliged at your plea to go faster, causing your head to lull back in satisfaction, his tip soothingly kissing your cervix within each thrash of his hips. Your wails of pleasure resounded in the room's walls, hoping his little siblings couldn't hear the noises of skin slapping against skin. Shinichiro wasn't very vocal in bed, aside from letting out the occasional groans and praises each time your hips would perfectly meet with his in a rhythmical sort of pattern.

"Don't want my little siblings hearing us, do we?" A hand was met with your mouth, covering it to muffle your sinful moans and cries, his other hand trailing down your plush thighs, lightly pressing a finger on your sensitive clit, earning a louder wail from you; both loving the way your bodies cohesively grind together, making the friction you needed.

Anything you tried saying only came out as a jumble of words, vague moans and beseeched begs; unable to form a proper sentence from him fucking you dumb. His teeth sunk into the crook of your neck, leaving numerous amounts of love bites, animalistic whines still muffled. The familiar tightening in the pit of your stomach twisted your guts, your eyes screwing shut and cheeks greatly heating up as you came undone, his ruts not slowing down just yet.

"Shinichiro!" You wail, sweet moans followed after, still having to endure his debauchery of him deftly thrusting into your convulsing overstimulated core, halting to a stop and letting his release freely seep inside. A satiate expression adorned your features.

"Good girl—good fucking girl." Shinichiro praised, repeatedly planting kisses on your shoulder blade, admiring that you took him so well. Still a panting mess in the aftermath, the warmth left you as he slipped out, and searched the pile of crinkled clothing, eventually grabbing your pyjamas and dressing you.

"So, no round 2? Was that too much? Or can you take me again?" Shinichiro grinned at your exhausted face, scooping you up bridal style and placing you gently on the bed, showering you in the aftercare you deserved.

"Hmm, maybe tomorrow..."


a/n: this is like the 2nd or 3rd oneshot in the same week
glad my motivation hasn't completely gone done the drain 💔

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