Trouble Maker|| Matsuno Chifuyu

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"Kei-nee" [Name] greeted as soon as she spotted her older brother. "[Name]" he blurted as a sweet  smile showed up before  his face.

[Name] and Keisuke were twins, being Keisuke as the older one. [Name]'s a bit childish than Keisuke. "Oya? Chifuyu?" she asked as soon as she spottrd a familiar figure behind Keisuke. "Oh, Yeah. [Name], he's the Vice captain of my squad" Keisukr introduced.

"I actuallu knew but didn't knew tgat he's from Toman" [Name] answered. "You know each other? Well  that's a surprise" Baji replied as he  took some glances to Chifuyu. "Are you two classmate?" he ask again as she nodded.

"Yeah, but actually he's the boyfriend I've been talking  about" she answered making Chifuyu flinch and blush at the same  time. "You've got a great taste, sis. I agree on your relationship. Take  care of my sister, Chifuyu" Keisuke said and left to join the others.

"Chifuyu~" she sang as she stood beside the guy. "Sorry for  not telling you this" he apologized. "It's fine, I never thought I would be dating atrouble maker. Also my brother's second command" she aid and chuckled.

"Do you come here more often?" Chifuyu asks as  he leaned his arms on top of her  head. "No, I only come here to check Keisuke. Sometimes, being dragged by Yuzuha or Emma" she answered.

"[Name]!!!" a voice yelled that caught both of their attention. She saw Yuzuha, Emma and a girl unfamiliar to her walking towards them.

"Oh, this is Tachibana Hinata. But you can call her Hina. This is  the new member's wifey" Yuzuha said and Hina bowed. "I'm Baji [Name]" she introduced and smiled brightly. "Aren't you Chifuyu-san?" Hina ask as she stand properly.

"Yuzuha, Emma, he's my boyfriend you announced making Yuzuha smirk and Emma frown. "I want  one too!" Emma  whined making [Name] and Yuzuha giggle. "Anyways, are you joiningin the fights? Toman will have a fight against some low ranked gangs, you know?" Yuzuha asks

"I will maybe, but I still need some permission first" she answered.

"Woah, woah, woah … Toman fight? What are you taking about?" Chifuyu asks making her part her lips to 'o'

"I guess I haven't told you yet but actually, I'm a member of Toman same squad to you and my brother" she said as she took out  her Toman uniform.

"Tho, I'm fighting in the sideline. My number one duty is ti give first aid after battle" she explained making Chifuyu froze.

"Why~?" she ask as she lean closer to him teasingly making him slightly blush. "You're not he only trouble maker here you know~" she added as he  composed his self and smirked. "Both of us knew that~" he sang back leaning to her as well.

Being off guard, Yuzuha suddenly pushed [Name] making her fall into Chifuyu. But he was able to hug [Name] and keep his balance so both of them won't land on the ground.

"Yuzuha-chan~!" she pouted to Yuzuha as she looked to Chifuyu to check if he's okay. "You okay? Am I heavy? I'll─" she was about to break the  hug  when Chifuyu held her closer making her smell his scent because of her face leaning on his chest.

"PDA much?" Emma ask as [Name] just rolled her eyes and stick her tongue out. "Just ask Draken out already!" [Name] teased.

"Oi! Chifuyu! Wanna stay overnight to our house?" Keisuke invited as Chifuyu only nodded.

"Our apartment were only at the second floor and your's at the fifth. Sure, why not Baji-san" he answered.

"[Name]'s also a Baji you know" Yuzuha corrected. "It will become Matsuno soon so I don't mind" he said confidently.

"So smooth ~~!" Smiley said

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I'll be joining you in your story as your friend, Wisteria. You can change it if the reader wants.

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