✧Birthday Special ✧

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||November 3rd||
Happy Birthday Baji Keisuke-kun. Since its your day
here's a oneshot for you! HQ  as side characters!

High School AU

Being the busiest girl you were, you don't have any time to rest. Being a President of the student council, a top scorer, an athlete, and being the older sister for your twin siblings.

It all revolves on that, but you have someone to comfort you when you're stressed. Its your childhood friend, Baji Keisuke.

As time goes by, his birthday came into the picture. You volunteered to get the cake and confetti for the surprise party.

"Alisa, what's my next duty?" you asked as she  looked at the schedule in your hand. "You don't have any, you finished everything yesterday" she answered as you nod and stood up.

"Tell Kuro to not slack off in his duty as the treasurer. Also Yaku, Taketora, Lev and Inuoka. They're peace officers yet they're the one starting trouble" you reminded

"Understood" Alisa answered as you left the room only to see a panting Wisteria. "B-baji-san,  h-he's causing trouble a-again!"  she saif between breathes.

You dashed outside to see Baji beating someone, a third year in section 5, "Keisuke" you called making him stop and stand up.

"Ha! Are you Kaichou's dog to stop when you're told to?!" he provoke as Baji controlled his self since you're there.

"What did I say to to you making you beat me up~?" he played innocent as Baji's eyes glimmer in anger. "Kaichou. Is. A. Slut" he said as  Baji's about to hit him again when you stopped him.

"Tch" he said and turned around. You approached the guy and grabbed his collar. "Don't fight a wall you can't bring down. You might not know, you're leading yourself to death. You don't know me, so don't interfere a life which isn't yours" you said glaring at him.

"From this day forward, you're expelled in this academy. Show your face or trace, I wouldn't hesitate to let Keisuke kill you" you said in you deadly monotone voice making him afraid, you then let go of his  collar and dashed off.

"Keisuke, we can't excuse  you. You will go through the dean's office to know what will happen to you" you said as  he pats your head and  nod.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself"

"It's fine, thanks for defending me by the way"

He then hold your hands and kissed your forehead which normal for the two of you. But wherever he do that, it makes your heart flutter and blush to be seen in your face

Keisuke was just put in detention for three days as the guy he beat up was expelled under your command.

You then meet up with Baji's gang members to plan the birthday party. And the cake was made already and the confetti are all ready.

November 3rd
5 : 41 p.m.

The plan is to prank Baji and they will be using you, since they all know the relationship the two of you had.

Since the your twin sibling don't have someone to see them. You let then play with Mana and Luna at your house.

You dialed  Baji and ...

Ring ...

Ring  ....

Ring ....


"K-keisuke" you answered forcing your voice to hoarse. "W-what happened? You sick?" he worriedly asked as you hummed.

You unexpectedly cough, "Y-yeah, shit, my head's spinning" you said actually not acting anymore. "I'll be there, wait a minute" he said and turn the phone off.

"[Name], you're totally burning" Yuzuha commented as you nod. "I'll go downstairs later so go ahead. I'll drink meds" you said as  they nod

You went down as you heard a knock outside. "[Name]! Why the hell is your house's lights are off?!" he yelled.

"I'm home alone idiot," you answered and  opened the door as he stepped inside, the others light up the bulbs and  pop the confetti.

"Happy birthday Baji/Keisuke/Kei/Baji-san" they greeted making Baji's eyes wide in surprise.

He looked at you but aren't beside him anymore instead he saw you coming out from the kitchen with the  cake in your hands.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Keisuke happy birthday to you" you sang and stood infront of him.

"Wanna make a wish?" you asked at him and smiled. "My wish is to be together with the girl I like, and kiss her" he said and blow the  candle.

"And that girl is…?" you asked as the others chuckled.

Baji took the cake and pass it to Mitsuya, who was  standing near him.

"That girl is you" he said and suddenly grabbed your waist and kissed your lips as  the  others cheered.


"You're totally burning. I thought it was only a prank"

"It was supposedly to be a prank but I think she overworked herself" Yuzuha said as you smiled awkwardly.

"No worries, I'll be here to support her all through out"

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