Entry 074: Souya Kawata (Angry)

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Note: I only write either they/them or her/she. I'm sorry! Im always on second person so, I'm sorry but I'll do my best!But it's short too. Oh, and since the one who requested has Souya as a username. It'll be Souya.

After playing with some games on your phone, you just lay on your couch and watch some movies on Netflix.

You live in an apartment alone and don't wanna share the apartment to anyone. Your territory is yours only.

You don't want to have a room mate, especially an annoying one. You just want a life in an apartment alone without any hassle included.

Of course the angry Pomeranian is yours as well. You know they have a fight on some gang and you actually don't give any shits. As long as he is not hurt, if ever he is. You'll beat those guys up.

All of a sudden you heard the door open, and of course you live alone, you took the baseball bat and about to hit it to the person who entered your apartment only to see Souya and the other Toman, beat up.

You saw the stain on Souya' s eyes. Making you realise he cried.

"Who the hell make Souya cry?" You asked as you grabbed Nahoya' s collar. "Just the Haitani but he beat them up. Anyways, clean the others up," he ordered making you irritated but smile. "You trespass my apartment and you're ordering me around?" You asked as an irk mark appear or your cheek so as Nahoya.

"Basically this is your house, that's why we went right?" Nahoya said back.

"You bitch, the reason you entered is mbecause Souya has a key and everything here is only for me and Souya and you with your gang are not included," you said as you grab his head and drag him to the restroom and lock him there since he's not that beaten up.

You gave the first aid kit to them which is supposedly ONLY for Souya. You just let them take care of them self since your outmost priority is Souya and nothing more.

You asked him to seat on the floor to clean his face. After cleaning some of his bruises, you stood up and about to turn around when he then just pulled your waist and hug you. You just stay still and pat his head.

You asked him if he's okay or if he needs something, he just hugged your waist more. Making you smile, but still irritated to the fact that you wanted to slam the baseball bat the those guys who made Souya cry but you have resist and just savor the moment you had with Souya.

"Would you stop flirting?" Said by the most irritating voice in the entire world. "Souya, let go, I'm just gonna smash his head. I'll bring all my anger out to Nahoya because of those Haitadont know I forgot their name brothers,"

Souya didn't let go. "Be thankful Souya is having a lovey time with me or you're dead,"

"He, you just can't resist my brother,"

"Can't you just find a love life?"

"Foul!" Baji suddenly yelled

"Are you doing it on purpose?" Nahoya asked with an irk mark, "100% yes."

While bickering with Nahoya, you're just hugging Souya and would steal kisses to make Nahoya jealous.

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