Remedials|| Mitsuya Takashi

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Thank you for the request and as the second one, I did it as soon as possible. Thanks for the support




"[Last Name] [Name]; 41/100" Fujioka-sensei announced your score to the recent performance output you did in home economics. After announcing she went back to the faculty office but before she left, she gave you some reminders.

"[L/n]-san, In will be expecting your presence in the faculty room after class" Fujioka-sensei said as she took her way.

"You really suck at stitching, [Name]-chan" Wisteria commented. You laugh and sweat dropped. "Wisteria~! If I don't make another one in time. I'll supplementary and remedials~!" you whined to her as you slammed your face on your desk as your friend just laugh awkwardly.

"I'll be attending math quiz retake" she said as she tapped your shoulder.

After Class, you've been packing all your things when Wisteria called your name. "[Name], someone's looking for you!" she said as you hurry your self and went to the door.

"Mitsuya-kun?" you ask as he smiled, "Fujioka-sensei said that I'll in charged for your project since she had meetings to attend. We'll be sewing at the club room" he explained as you nodded and followed him.

Mitsuya Takashi was your friend. He's been so close to you since you've got an lot of subjects with him together.

"Mitsuya ... Why can't In just use that sewing machine. I really suck at this especially when it comes to hand stitches" youwhined again as you tried to fix the messy back stitch you've been doing.

Unknowingly, Mitsuya stood up and went behind you. You suddenly felt his warm breath in your neck and you immediately shifted your gaze to him which made your lips had an contact with his.

Both of your eyeswidens and turned away immediately. Silence came inane it became awkward.

"Gomen," you apologized as you put the cloth and needle down the table. "I'll jut continue this at home" you excused as you took your way out of the club room.

You already now the unrequited love happening between you and him. One, is because he told you that he liked someone. Second, is that youozawa him with Yuzuha countless times already.

You sighed as you walked down the street and shortly stopped by the convenience store to buy some things for tonight's food. After buying you went straight to your house.

"I'm home" you quietly mumbled. Your parents work overseas and brought your younger siblings with them.You fixed your shoes and turned on the lights. Your phone then vibrated seeing that Wisteria texted you.

Starlian Wisteria
6 : 09 p.m.

Can I stay for tonight? Nvm, I'll just go there

"Why would she even ask? I'm living here alone since we started middle school. Before she comes I'll prepare dinner" you mumbled as went to the kitchen prepared foods.

While the curry's being cooked someone rang your doorbell, you opened it and it revealed the features of Wisteria. She then ran to you making the both of you fall to the wooden floor.

She's on top of you and you're under her, "[Name]! You just need to do your remedial project ...! Not to flirt with Mitsuya!" she scolded you, showing an picture of you and Mitsuya accidentally kissing.

"You don't need to freak out, its an accident" you murmured as Wisteria lay beside you and you covering your face with your arms.

Wisteria used her foot to close the door, "We both know that it is impossible for him to like me. I mean, Yuzuha's the one he liked" you said.

"Maybe, maybe not. Its just an assumption coming from you. It is true that he is close to Yuzuha but you can't also hide the fact that he is close to you as well" she pointed out.

"Let's just eat" You mumbled as you got up and Wisteria followed. Both of you went on the kitchen and started eating.

After eating a little, both of you went on your room and Wisteria started watching some movies when your phone rang.

Mitsuya Takashi
9 : 48 p.m.

Hey, can you meet me at the park?

You excused yourself to Wisteria saying that you have something to buy. You went to the park seeing Mitsuya sitting in an swing, kicking some rocks.

"M-mitsuya-kun ..." you called which made his attention to be given to you. "Sorry for the sudden call" he apologized.

"N-no, its fine. I'm not doing anything at the first place" you said and noticed that he's still on his uniform. "You didn't go home? How about Luna and Mana?" you ask as he smiled.

"I let Yuzuha, Emma and Hina babysit them for an while. In just want to meet and talk to you" he answered.

"Let's get some takoyaki" he invitow as the both of you started to walk and stop to an stall to get some takoyaki. "Someone took a picture ... right?" you ask as he hummed.

" Isn't that gonna affect your relationship with someone?" you asked as he stopped and looked at you.

"What do you mean?" he asked as you slightly looked at him. "I mean, didn't you told me that you had someone special to you?" you said as as he shook his head.

"I'm sure it will not affect her, she's so calm and In think she won't be bothered" he salsas you hummed.

Both of you finished and he started to walk you home. "Do you have any idea who am I referring to?" he asked.

It should be her.

"Yuzuha?" you ask.


"EH? Not her?" you unbelievably ask

"She's on our Home eco subject" he replied

"Sakura? Koyuki? Kurumi? Haruna? Eri? Momo? Aoki? or Wisteria?" you enumerated. "None of them"

"But those were the girls in─" You were cut off realizing things.

"D-do you ... Like m-me?" you ask pointing yourself making him smile widely and blush.

"Yes" he said making you blush uncontrollably. "But I'm afraid that you don't have the sane feeling as me" he said

You approached him and motioned him to lower his head. You then pat his head. "Even before we landed on the sane section. I've already set my eyes to you. So when you told me that you like someone. I totally freaked out─" you answered but cut off when us suddenly hugged you.

"You can call me Takashi from now on. We'll be continuing the remedial for your project tomorrow" he said as he also pat you head.


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