Exam Retake || Mitsuya Takashi

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Just pretend that Mitsuya's the Class Rep.

"[Name]! You're late again!"


"[Name]! Where's your assignment?"

"Ah- I forgot it"

"[Name] you should be careful!"

"Hai hai"

Its always like that, "[Name], you failed in the exam" Wisteria-sensei announced. "I'll take remedials?" the girl ask as Wisteria sigh.

"No, Mitsuya-san" she called making the class representative sit up straught. "Yes? What is it Wisteria-sensei?" the guy ask as Wisteria showed some papers

"Because you are the class rep, you will teach [Name], after a week, she will retake the the exam, if she failed again. You will be the one I'll fail" she said.

"Wisteria-sensei, if I ever fail again, just fail me, I don't want him to get involved!" [Name] object.

"[Name] is right Wisteria-sensei, isn't it unfair for Mitsuya-san?" Yasuda said

"I'll accept it" Mitsuya suddenly said, "No!" [Name] said.

"Okay, its decided. Remember Mitsuya-san, only one week" Wisteria said as he left the room. "Mitsuya, why did you accept it? You shouldn't I don't want to involve anyone" [Name] said.

"Its fine [Name], besides I'm the class representative" he said. "It's not connected!" [Name] said and pout.

"I'm sorry" [Name] then said.


"[Name], do you got it now?" Mitsuya ask as [Name] nodded. "Yes, can you give me an example so I can solve it then you check it" [Name] said as Mitsuya nodded

He gave her an example and she solve it correctly. "Just remember this parts, some of this parts showed in Wisteria-sensei's test so better remember it" he said as[Name] nodded

Time pass and [Name] ended up sleeping in Mitsuya's room, he lift her up and bring her to her room since its in the same apartmeng building as Mitsuya, just a room apart. "Sleep well" he said as he covered [Name] a blanket after he put her in her bed.

The morning came and Mitsuya needed to spend his free times teaching [Name], balancing his time for Mana and Luna. "I got it!" she said after she got to solve a math problem she was struggling to. The others weren't that hard for her. She only failed in Mathematics.

"Okay, that should do it. Just go in my dorm later, the last formula would be next and also, we need to have some retake exams example to be sure" he said as [Name] nodded and took her things.

"Thanks for today!" she said and bowed. "Okay, pass your assignments to Mitsuya" Haruhi-sensei said as Mitsuya collected everything and made him smile even wider when he saw [Name] did her assignment.

"Wow, for the first time. [Name] passed an assignment" Haruhi said in her desk in the faculty. "Her grades in English were improving as well" Natsume-sensei said as he showed [Name] having perfect scores.

"In math, not that bad" Akito-sensei said. "Wisteria, you did something do you?" Akito said making all of them look at him.

"I just needed to scare her, she will retake the exam with Mitsuya's help. I told her that if she failed again, the one I will fail would be Mitsuya" she answered

"Ahh ... My brain just died"  [Name] whined as she slam her head in Mitsuya's desk. "You're improving, I guess that you wouldn't need my help anymore" Mitsuya said as [Name] pouted and looked at him.

"Though, I wouldn't mind to teach you as long as you want to" he said making [NAme] lit up a little. "Of course!" she said and then yawned.

"I'm sleepy, I'll be going now" [Name] said as she stood up but Mitsuya suddenly stood up grabbing her hand and giving her the girl a hug.

"Mitsuya?" she ask and her face was completely red. "I-I just ... I-I j-just wanted you to stay f-for a bit" he said making [Name] sigh and hug him back.

"Okay ... but I'm .. sleepy" resting her head in his chest. "There's no class tomorrow because its holiday" he said and he rest his chin into the girl's head.

"I like you [Name]" she just said and tightened her grip into his clothes. "I don't just like you [Name], Its love for me" Mitsuya said.

"Mitsuya, can I call you Takashi?" she ask making the boy smile. "Yes" he answered.

"I'm sleepy" she said as Mitsuya suddenly lift her up and bring her to his bed. "You can sleep here" he said and Y/n just nodded and sleep.

"Be quiet!" someone yelled as Mitsuya opened his eyes. "Give me the money, Chifuyu! I won! See, they're dating!" Baji said.

"Its so early .. What are you guya doing here?" Mitsuya ask as he lookedat them seeing Mana and Luna peaking. "Are you and [Name] dating?" Hakkai ask.

"Yes, just confessed last night" Mitsuya said and [Name] moved a little. "Shh ... We finished studying about 10 so please keep your voice down" Mitsuya said as they nodded.

"We'll take our leave then, Mitsuya" Draken said as they left the room even had to drag Mikey cause he don't  wanna  leave . Mitsuya then kissed ,[Name]'s forehead mumbling three sweet words


Error was occured making Mitsuya to Iida. IM REALLY SORRY FOR THE MISTAKE MAKING YOU CONFUSED.


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