Protect You || Haitani Bro. ft. youngersis!reader

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🌹🌺Fluff and Requested🌺🌹

Since its not specified by the one who requested it, I did a more like a brother love to their younger sister. Bonten haitani and Reader's a second year high.


Haitani Brothers, specifically, Ran and Rindou. They were a member of Bonten, a criminal organization in Shibuya with Mikey as their leader.

"Where's my drugs?!" Sanzu yelled and tried to find the drugs everywhere. "I threw it away" Mikey suddenly interrupted as Sanzu awkwardly smiled.

"Boss? Why?" Sanzu cried. "Please Takeomi, help your goddamn brother!" Mochi said as Takeomi used a handknife strike to make Sanzu be unconscious.

"Can't we just bring him to the mental?" Kokonoi suggested. "Boss, we'll be leaving" Ran and Rindou said as everyone looked at them.

"Why? It's only 5 in the afternoon" Kakucho blurted. "We still have someone to fetch at school. [Name]'S been very busy this past few days and arrived home late" Ran answered

"She's a girl and know nothing about fighting or anything about violence so we just better fetch her than let her walk down the street outskirts" Rindou added.

"Fine, I'll be sending the next target for us" Takeomi said as the brothers nodded.

Both of them ride the car and arrived at the school only to see the guard. Rindou went by the echo premises and went to your club room.

He saw his sister managing papers in the table. "[Name], continue that tomorrow" Rindou said in his soothing voice making you yawn.

"Rin-nii ... Let me finish this paper, wait" you said and started writing something on the paper and end in just a minute.

Rindou carried your bag as he lead you to where Ran was. "Good afternoon, Ran-nii" you greeted then yawned again as you entered the car in the backseat.

"Rindou, you drive" Ran said as Rindou nodded and went to driver's seat. Ran pat his lap as you lay your head and drifted to sleep.

"Looked very tired. What was she doing?" Ran asked to Rindou. "Papers, papers and more papers" Rindou answered as Ran slightly chuckled.

"Well, papers are tiring" Ran said as Rindou immediately agreed. They arrived at their house and put [Name] to her bed.

"I'll go cook something, you check the email from Takeomi" Ran said as Rindou went to his room and opened his laptop.

Next Target, Archon Gang leader, Fukuoka Kaen. There are pictures which is only about in his 20's. The guy looked so young and looked innocent.

Maybe, behind an innocent smile hides a dangerous smirk.

You woke up, you then went to the shower to have a short bath and change to your clothes. You then went down as Ran was preparing the spoon and plates

"Princess" he called as you hummed. "We won't be able to fetch you tomorrow" he said as you nod.

"It's okay, we don't have classes in the afternoon. So by lunch, I'm home" you said as he smiled and pat your head. "Call Rin" he said as you obeyed.

"Rin-nii!! Dinner's ready!" You said and heard the door click as both of you went to the kitchen.


"That's the target" Mikey said and used the binoculars to confirm it. "They have someone with them" Takeomi said and saw that a girl was being carried, eyes was covered with black cloth and tied up.

"Shit" Ran said. "Koko, adjust mine to zoom it more" Ran said as Koko did it confusedly. "Shit, shit, shit" Rindou cursed.

"Why are you two cursing?" Mikey asked

"The girl with them was our sister" Ran said and clenched his fist. "Huh?!" Sanzu asked as the other's eyes widen.

"Are sure it's your sister?" Kakucho asked. "Of course and the guy carrying her was the school guard we saw yesterday" Rindou confirmed.

"This more to a trouble than I thought it would be, Takeomi, let's change plans" Mikey said.

After a small meeting, they silently sneaked and knock down the guards silently. They then entered the hideout where they can hear yells and screams.

"Where are your brothers?!"

"I-I told you ... I don't know!" You panted but screamed again when you got electrocuted. "Kaen, don't kill the girl. We can use her as a hostage" the guard said.

"BOSS, We're being attacked!!" Someone said as he left you with the guard alone. Someone then took the opportunity to knock him down and untie you. "It's me
,don't worry" you then calmed down when you heard Rindou's voice.

He was able to take you out as the others handled the situation. "[Name], are you okay?" Ran asked as he checked you up.

You then cried as Ran hugged you and Rindou patting your head gently. "Did they do something to you?" Ran asked with his soothing voice.

"T-they ... e-electri ... fied me" you answered between your sobs as you hugged back Ran. You then passed out because of exhaustion.

"Let's go" Mikey said as he looked over you then to Ran and Rin. "Is she your sister?" he asked as both of them nod.

They then arrived at the Bonten Hideout while you're in a room resting.

"Fukuoka Kaen went in the same school as [Name], basically he's her senpai" Takeomi said. "There's a lot of students on that school, how is that possible?" Sanzu asked.

"Ah, that must be because they're in the same club. Kaen was the newspaper club president while [Name] is a first year writer" Kakucho answered.

After a little meeting, Ran and Rindou took you home. There you woke up. You then saw Rindou, reading a novel.

"Rin-nii" you called as he put the book down and checked you up. "We won't be working till we make sure you're okay. Just rest up, okay?" Rindou said as you nod.

Ran then entered as he put the soup in your table. "Sorry for that, we will make sure you're okay from now on" Ran said as you smile and nod.

"I love the both of you, Ran-nii, Rin-nii"

They smiled and kissed you forehead then replied. "We love you too, Princess"

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