Blind Date || Sano Manjiro

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So, Mikey hated your class except you. Much like Monoma Neito hating Class1A.


To you, only you in class A. Sano Manjiro who always wanted to beat the hell out of the ClassA student is so soft and gentle when it comes to you.

The childish jerk he is will disappear once he saw you, well ... Its because both of you were friends since childhood and also protected you from your bullies when the both of you were young.

Wanting to protect you, he entered the same school as yours but in different section. Tho, you got invited because of your academic achievements while he has none. But you still supported him and teach him and he got landed in Class B which is different from yours.

"[Name]-chan, I bet Oni-chan like you" Emma said. "Eh? That's impossible" she said and chuckled. "Why would he like me?" she ask as she took a bite on her snack.

"Of course he is! He will be soft when he always see you and to be added ..." Wisteria said as she sweat drop.

"He's been staring to us for a long time now " she added and the rest of them looked back and saw Mikey staring at them and as soon as [Name]'s eyes met with his and he then avoided his gaze.

"Kya~! See! He likes you! He li-" [Name] covered Koyuki's mouth from yelling all over. "Koyuki! Keep your voice down!" [Name] scolded.

"Gomen~" Koyuki said smirking. "Koyuki, I don't like that smirk. Don't you ever plan something stupid" [Name] said.

"I am planning something, but not stupid" Wisteria said and went to Yuzuha for something. "Ahh ... I know what she's planning" Emma said as all of the other girls smirked at me.

"Oi! don't look at me like that!" she said and eat again. All them went on their own classrooms.

"[Name]-chan! You know how to play instruments right?" Wisteria ask. "Yeah, Bass, Keyboard, guitar, tambourine, flu-" she was cut off when Wisteria stopped her.

"You'll play the bass, I'll be the vocal, Koyuki and Emma will be the guitar. Yuu will be the drum and keyboard would be Akito" Wisteria said as everyone agreed at once.

The concert ended as well as the play Class B performed. All of them went to the pageant which their representatives played.

The pageant ended but the coronation will be held at the night for the finishing event before the fireworks.

"[Last Name] [Name], is that you?" Yuzuha ask, the one who was crowned in the pageant.

"Y-yeah, what is it?" she ask as the other girls surrounding her smirked. Evily.

"Well, you know. Us in Class  C was preparing for a date event so ... You see, your friends asked for a special one for you" she explained making the girl tensed up.

"It would be a blind date if I don't know who it was, but- It's Mikey isn't it!" the girl said as she was about to run when Emma took a rope and tied [Name] up.

"W-what the─ I can call this kidnapping you know" she said as she was being dragged to the Class C for the blind date. Which is actually isn't.

She entered a stall and saw Sano Manjiro, resting his face to the table and sleeping. Monoma was seating in a bench .. Maybe for 2 or three person. She sat beside him and stared at him for a while.

"Wave 16 for the Date! You can stay there for 20 minutes or more!" a voice of Yuzuha said as [Name] sigh and looked at the cup of tea infront of them, she then noticed that Mikey a bit uncomfortable to his position.

"Mikey" she whispered and about to tap Mikey when he holds her hand and intertwined it. He then faced her with his sleepy eyes.

"Are you that sleepy?" she ask as he just looked at her. She smiled and gently took Mikey's head to rest it in her shoulder then she also rest hers to Mikey's head

"I'm sorry, the girls in my class put us in this one" Y/n said as she slowly closed her eyes.

"Its because you're dense" he said. "That's mean Mikey!" Y/n said jokingly. "It's true, everytime I show my affections. You don't even know what does it mean" he said as Y/n opened her eyes and looked at Mikey.

"W-what do you mean?" she ask as Mikey looked at her, straight to her eyes. "I love you, if you can call it love, that is. Since we were little so its been a long time now" he said.

"I ... I-I'm sorry i-if I ... didn't notice it" she said in a low voice. "Maybe I am dense but ... Everyone kept on telling me that you liked or maybe loved me." she said as Mikey lay his head unto her shoulder again.

"Then ... why?" he ask as the girl sigh. "I don't wanna assume things. The thing is ... I liked you ever since, but I am afraid of rejection and maybe will cause for our friendship to get destroyed" she said and took a sip in her tea.

"I'll accept it, and even though I reject you. We can still be friends" he said and tightened the intertwined hands. "But it will never be the same again and both of us knew that thing" she answered

"Same as what will happen today and onwards" Mikey said and sit up straight. "What do you-" she was then kissed by the guy in her lips.

Firm and Gentle, he then pulled away. He then smiled seeing Y/n's red amd flustered face. "Instead of going down, our relationship will be up. Will you be my girlfriend?" he ask as Y/n hugged him.

"I know that you already know the answer for that" she said.

Error occured making Mikey turn to Monoma, same as Mitsuya to Iida. Im trully sorry

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