✧Birthday Special✧

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5th of November
Happy birthday to you Yuzuha-chin!!! Best sister for protecting Hakkai. Friendship oneshot for y'all. This so short ...

"Yuzuha-chaaannnnnnn" you chimed and jumped at Yuzuha's back.

"Happy birthday~" you said and dragged the gym which you borrowed from you coach. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUZUHA" everyone yelled as they popped the confetti.

"I know you're tired and  haven't rest recently, so me and  Hakkai decided to throw a party" you said as  you smiled at her.

"Thank you" she sobbed making you worry. "H-hey, don't cry! You hate surprise party? I'm sorry I don't know!" you apologized to her.

"No, I'm j-just happy" she mentioned  making you sigh in relief.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you,  happy birthday, Yuzuha, happy birthday to you. Make a wish and blow your candle!" you chimed as Yuzuha closed her eyes and made a wish then blew the candle.

"I love you [Name]" she said and  hugged you. "I love you too!" you said.

"You guys a gay?" Baji asked making the girl looked at him with blush on their cheeks.

"I'm Straight!" you guys yelled. "But I respect LGBT" you mentioned

"Yeah, now─" Yuzuha was  cut off when you put an icing to her face making you grin widely. She was about to put you some when it went to Mikey. And all hell broke lose as everyone had a little icing war.

"Hey! you're wasting the cake!" Draken yelled as you laugh. "No worries, this is a substitute cake. The real ones is in the kitchen" you said making them stop.

"Did I hear it correctly?" Mitsuya asked

"Ones? You mean there's a lot of cake?" Kazutora asked as you scratch you nape. "Yuzuha loves a lot of cake so I decided to by them all" you answered making them sweatdrop.

"We forgot you're so frickin' rich" they said as Yuzuha laugh. "Hey!! don't be so mean, I gave Baji all his favorite cake which is 7 fricking large cakes so don't complain!" you reasoned

"Let's just enjoy!!" Emma yelled as everyone continued the Icing war.

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