✧Birthday Special ✧

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Hanma Shuji
27th October

Today is 27th and  its Hanma's Birthday !!!!!
Otanjoubi Omedetou Hanma-kun

"Kisaki!!!!!!!!!!!" you yelled as you entered his room and barge in

"It's only 6 in the  morning why are you so abnormally active?!" he yelled as  he threw the pillow to you.

"It's Hanma's Birthday!" you yelled making him stop and immediately rise.

"We can go and invite!" you added as  he took his glasses and stood  up.

"I'll do everything,  go drag him somewhere!" he yelled to you

You hummed and saw Hanma by the door of your house, "Uh, [Name] where's your brother?" he asked  but you took him by his arm and drag him outside.

"Let's have some fun today, Shuji!" you chimed as he sighed and  just let him being dragged  by you.

The both of you went on shopping but minize the food  you'll be  eating. "Shuji, if ever your wish will be granted what will it  be?" you asked as he eyed you suspiciously

"What~? I might grant it~!" you reasoned as he just smirked at your reactions.

"I won't be telling you so No" he said as  you pouted. "You know, you're being an extra clingy today" he said as  you laugh.

"Hmpp! Atleast be lucky you had  me here!" you said faking your anger. You suddenly felt a kiss on your cheeks and a hand around  you waist.

Hanma resting his head to your shoulders. You blushed because of this but smiled adoring his tired figure.

You lean your   head to his and  started caressing his hair. "You tired?" you asked as   he shook his head.

"Just a little, just let me stay like this"  he said and  you nod.

After that 'sweet' scene you two made you decided to just give him a t shirt and a hoodie as the material gift. And your confession as  the other gift.

After paying, you were about to leave when  you heard your name.

"Hey, isn't that [Name]?" you saw your former female classmates.. They hated you  since  you're like your brother. Unsociable and a  nerd

"Oh~ it is her! Look who she is now. You look like  a slut~!" she said as she twirl some strand of your hair

"[Nam─], AHHHHH,  YOU'RE SO HANDSOME!! CAN I GET YOUR NUMBER?!" one of them said and  started fangirling.

"Sorry, but I'm taking  my girl away" Hanma said as he sling his hand around you. "I'm not interested into girls telling others they look like  slut not including themselves"

"HA! Atleast, boys go chase after me!" she reasoned

"Cheap products attract a lot of customers. Let's go home, [Name]"

"Sure! Oh, I need  to text Oniichan first" you said and he replied that they're ready.

You entered the house but it  looks like they want to surprise Hanma. "Where is Kisaki?" you asked as Hanma just hold you hand.

The both of you entered together and got surprised when confetti and Happy Birthday Hanma banner just came out of nowhere.

"Happy birthday, Hanma!!" you yelled and jumped to give him a  hug.

But instead of a hug, he suddenly kissed you in the lips making your eyes widen but totally give in.

Cheerings can be heard and he caressed your cheeks.

"[Name], I really like you erm ... I mean love you,  ever since ... I just can't wait for a timing. So, go out with me"

"Yes!!" you said and jumped to hug him.

"I should be the one giving the gift not you!" you reasoned


"I planned on confessing as your birthday gift but it turned upside down. Anyways, Happy Birthday, I love you Shuji"

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