Hits | Manjiro Sano

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🌹Fluff🌹🌺Requested by🌺@AngeBlossom

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🌺Requested by🌺

Hey, thanks for requesting! Well you see, you're the first one to request via comment in my stories. Enjoy..!(-^〇^-). I did it as soon as possible .... ( ↀДↀ)✧


"Oi, Naoto!" you called as he was just staring at the whiteboard. "A-ah, g-gomen" he apologized as he approached the whiteboard and staring deeply to the organization that killed his sister, Tachibana Hinata.

"If Kisaki Tetta and Sano Manjiro didn't met, Hina should be here, well and alive" he mumbled as you just sighed and tapped his shoulders.

" ... Naoto, put yourself together. If you were right about what happened 12 years ago. You should find Hanagaki Takemichi-san" you blurted out as he nodded

"It's already dark, I'll be taking my leave. Let's discuss about this tomorrow. I'll be supporting my kouhai in the agency, you're my partner after all" you bid as he nodded and waved goodbye.

You walked down the street to reach your rented house, and most of the people don't go there.

You turn to your right but witnessed a man stabbing someone. You immediately dropped your bag and went to defend the guy buy pulling out your gun.

"I'm from the police put the knife dow─," you were cut off when the man suddenly kicked the gun away from your hand.

You grabbed his feet and kicked him back landing it to his arms since he blocked it.

His face then revealed as your eyes widen, "Sano Manjiro ..!" you gritted your teeth as you throw some kick and punch to him.

He fought back not minding if you're a girl or from the police. "Why would a lady like you fight like this? Unless you're a delinquent" he said as he grabbed your arms and turn you around. He snaked his arms around your neck and lean to your ears.

"How unlady.." he mumbled as you swing your feet hitting his knee making him loosen his gripped to your arms and neck which made an opening to attack.

"Urusai ..." you said as he delivered a kick to your stomach making you fall back, then gave you a slap across your face.

"Sano Manjiro-san, if I didn't inform you. I really hate being slapped" you warned as you kick him and he blocked your kick. About to deliver a punch when someone took your arm and pinned you, facing the wall to stop you.

"What are you doing, Kisaki" Mikey said as he glared at the guy who pinned you. "We're still having some meeetings, Mikey" Kisaki said as he released you.

You immediately went to the person who was stabbed and you sigh in relief as when the bleeding stopped and his pulse was far from dangerous.

"[Last Name] [Name] eh?" your attention went to the guy named Kisaki. "You were the famous female delinquent way back in middle school from Bonten. Now, as Detective [Name] ... What a twist" he said and you throw the knife to him but avoided it.

"Urusai, Kisaki Tetta!" you yelled as you throw death glares at him and to Mikey as well.

"Just leave, I'll follow" Mikey said as that guy gave you an intense look and look at Mikey weirdly

Kisaki shrugged his shoulders and left the both of you. Mikey just stared to where Kisaki exited. He then throw something to you and saw a patch.

"What's this?" you ask and stared at him curiously. "A patch, can't you see that?" he mocked.

"I know that, Sano Manjiro! What matters, is why did you─" you were cut off when he leaned and put the patch on your cheeks.

"I don't hit girls, gomen" he said as he straightened up. "Woah, the criminal being a gentleman. Stop the act" you said as you glared at him.

"I won't force you to believe, but, you somehow interest me" he said and smiled as he walked away. You took the guy who was stabbed to the nearest hospital and went home.

You went to your agency and saw Naoto. "What happened, [Name]-senpai," as he asked he saw your face with some bandaids and patches.

"I ran with a troublesome criminal last night, don't worry. So, did you found him?" you replied.

"No, I still have no idea where he was. By the way, can you help me find him?" he asked as you nod and went outside.

"So, should I just search his name in the internet?" you asked as both of you exited the agency. "No, I figure out that he was just working into near this area but I didn't saw him there" he said as you both went to the possible shops Hanagaki Takemichi might be working at.

Both of you then decided to take lunch so you can proceed to Naoto's mini meeting room.

"We should atleast ready some explaination once we found Hanagaki-san. He might explode" you jokingly said as he chuckled.

Both of you continued to search for Hanagaki Takemichi who changed Naoto's past by telling him that he and his sister died. Also with that, Sano Criminal Manjiro always see you at the curve to your way to your apartment.

"I can always hit you you know" he said as he blocked your kick to him. "Oh~ why don't you~? You slapped me the first time fought, Sano-san" you said teasingly.

"I don't hit girls, probably because I have a younger sister" he said as he avoided your punch. "I'm not your sister, Sano-san" you answered and throw a punch to him again.

"Maybe not but atleast someone to me" he said as he grabbed your arm and pull your face closer to his. "Someone?" you repeated.

"Well, you know, I can finally hit you now" he said devilishly as he raised his hand making you close your eyes.

Your eyes widen when you felt something against your lips and a hand caressing your cheeks. Mikey's arm went to your waist and squeeze it a bit making you gasp.

He took the opportunity and ......

1 hit

5 hits ...

15 hits ...

20 hits ...

25 HITS ...!!

He pulled away and put his hands on your waist knowing that you will fall anytime he let go of you.

"I hate you ...!" you whisper yell as you lay your head to his shoulder as he hugged and snuggle his face to your neck.

"As if I'll believe you" he chuckled and caress you hair. He then face against you and tapped his shoulder. "I'll give you are piggy back ride, I'll take you home" he said as you nodded.

You went to a deep slumber and snore quietly. "It's just the same as the day I saw you peacefully sleeping your desk way back in middle school. The teacher said that In should hit you but I didn't do" he said glancing at you.

"I can't hit someone special to me after all"

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