Fantasy || Sano Manjiro

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🌹🌺Fluff and Requested🌺🌹

So, thank you for requesting! And ... to inform everyone, this will be the first oneshot to have some power or magic than a modern Tokrev. Sorry if it isn't what you expected

"That's cruel!" you gasped as Hanma told you his plans with Kisaki. "That is bad, y'know. But, I'm sorry. I need to decline~" you sang and turn around but got caught by Hanma, he used a magic crystal to make you fall into a deep slumber.

Before you could even sleep, you decided to pour your thoughts to the air knowing that someone from EDEN can hear them all.


" Marisha-sama, Isora-sama, Hiruko-sama!" an underling called and then bowed to them. " [Name]-sama was taken by the Valhalla" he informed making Marisha and Isora's eyes widen.

"I can't believe [Name] got taken that easily" Marisha said. "How did you know about that?" Hiruko askes as the underling answered. "Her thoughts can be heard, I think she used her ability to pour all her thoughts in the atmosphere" he said.

"Can you gather all of her thoughts?" Isora asked as the underling immediately did it.

"Yo!" you chimed making  the three facepalmed. "This girl knew she's in danger yet very cheerful. Is she somehow stupid?" Isora askes as he saw Hiruko and Marisha sweatdrop.

"Anyways, as so you know I'm in danger but I'm getting hungry. When you come save me please buy me some food─"

"I'm having second thoughts about this. I think we shouldn't do it" Hiruko complained.

"So serious, this guy Hanma and Kisaki wants to kill someone. And  to do it, they want us to help. So of course I decline. Go to the abandoned car lot where Toman and Valhalla will have their fight. By now, they're getting ready. And, oh, one more thing" she said and  made a pause.

"There's a traitor in EDEN, Hanma used a sleeping magic crystal only us in EDEN could use. Caught that person and make him or her regret  what he/she did. HMMPPPP ! How cruel could that be?! Traitoring!! But please don't forget my food ok─"

"You" Marisha said and pointed the underling. "Y-yes, Marisha-sama" he said. "Summon Gushiken Kohan and Igarashi Kai" Marisha said as the underling nodded. After summoning them, both of them showed up out of nowhere. "Investigate and  find out who's the traitor" Isora commanded as both of them nodded and disappeared just like how they appeared.

"Satte, satte, satte. Let's  go" Hiruko said as  other members of EDEN appeared. "No need for back up, we will go. Wisteria you go with us, Meiko we will let you guard the whole garden" Isora said as they nodded.

[Uniform is white and much more same like Brahman's uniform but white. Pure and plain]

They took their  uniform and  went through the portal using Wisteria's ability.

They arrived only to see a guy from Valhalla stabbing a comrade. "[Name] will not be happy to see this" Isora said and went to knock out the guy.

Who are they?


What gang? Never heard of it.

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