059: [REQUEST OPEN] + Scenario

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Just wanna tell that request are always open.

Toman Founding Members
Being Jealous Pt. 1


You were talking with some of the members in Toman Mikey was close to. His attention shifted to you when he heard you laughing to a certain person's remarks making his eye twitch a little.

Every now and then, you'll chuckle making him pout childishly as if the flag in his meal was missing. The person you were talking to was about to pat your head when Mikey snapped out of it. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him.

"[Name]-chin is mine!"


He's not the person to lose his emotion in front of you so he'll deny everything as well as his blushing face even though it is obvious.

He's not in the mood since morning and you also notice that. Both of you walked together to the shrine as you then saw Hina on the distance as you run to went to her side as Takemichi then started conversing with the two of you.

Every time you would be amazed to their remarks Draken would be looking at you from now and then.

He got tired of it and approached you with dark aura illuminating from him.

You got goosebumps and looked back, "[Name], follow me."

"What is it ... Ken?" You asked as he looked on his side avoiding your gaze. " ... you .. him ... close ... avoid" he murmured

You smirked and lean yourself with your hands on your waist, "You're jealous aren't you?" You teased as he blush as he covered his face using the back of his hands.

"That aside! ... you ... morning ... k-ki ..."

" ..ss"

"Ahh~ I'm sorry I forgot your kiss. Jelly Draken"


You had a pair activity with a random guy in your class, should I say yours and Baji's Class. Your relationship with him were not a secret that's why a lot of people were wondering how did you two got in a relationship.

You were a role model in school and He's a nerd at school and troublemaker outside. That aside, Baji saw how that random guy flirt with knowing that you're already dating someone.

Somehow, this scene made Baji's blood boil as you drive that creep away.

After school you were walking with Chifuyu since Baji went ahead because of Mikey. Both of you heard someone begging help as you run and saw Baji beating that the guy.

"Keisuke!" You yelled as he looked at you.

"You shouldn't do-"

"Its his fault, he knew you were my girlfriend and he still has the gut to go flirt to you. Nice try dumbass but you're not taking her away!"

You pulled him away as Chifuyu became a thirdwheel which he didn't mind. He walked ahead to not witness you lovey-dovey

"Keisuke, are you jealous?"

"Hell I am!"

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