Entry 071: Shinichiro Sano

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The cherry blossoms are out an every pink petal started to be scattered around as the wind sways them over.

The time cherry blossoms started to bloom, class will also start. Another year in high school will go over.

You were one of the most popular girl in the school. A definite role model with pretty high grades, a Student council member and surrounded by so many friends.

Your friends were so many and most of them only use your popularity to become popular as well. But as long as you're with them, they'll only be shadow. But if they're not under you, they're just nothing.

This is why you only pick those people you could trust the most, you're most likely hanging out with your twin brother with his friends and your bestfriend since childhood, Wisteria.

You and Wisteria were not part of the so called Black Dragon Gang they created since you only treat their injuries when they had but they don't most of the time.

As you look outside the classroom to see the pink petals and feel soft gust of wind. A classmate called you. She told you that a popular random guy wants to meet you on the rooftop by the end of the class.

You smiled and nod to the girl as she smiled as well and went back to her seat, you saw Wisteria give you an 'again' look. Since most of the guys that would invite you to the rooftop would be likely to confess their feelings for you.

As the classes ends, you and Wisteria were on a cleaning duties so it took some times to get on the rooftop. Wisteria goes after you but stayed on the door not showing her self to the guy.

"[Name]-san, I thought you're not coming."

You smiled and shook your head, "Wisteria and I were assigned for cleaning the classroom so it took us a lot of time. Zana-san told me that you need something, can I ask what is it?"

He suddenly scratch his nape and hand a flower, "I know it's all of a sudden but will you go out with me?" He asked.

Now, another hard time. Everyone knew that it's hard to confess but it's a lot harder to reject someone. The hurt look on their faces were not helping, you know you deserve love but not overflowing like this.

"[Random Guy], please I want to let you know. You're an amazing person but-"

"[Name]-san, do you like me? Its answerable with a yes and no."

"Please listen to me first, [Random Guy]. I like you, but not the way how you like me. I want you to understand, if you have confidence to confess well I don't have the strength to reject someone. I know how it felt like."

"I will not avoid you like any other just because you confess to me and I'm begging to not avoid me just like anyone else because they confessed. Im glad people admire me, I'm happy but I am not when people suffer because of me. I don't want, like you, cry just because I rejected you. I treasure everyone's feelings. But I just don't like you how you like me,"

"Do you like someone, [Name]-san?"

"I do."

"As part of starting again to become friends, can I ask Who is it?"

"It's my brother's friend, his name is Shinichiro-kun," you answered as he hummed.

"Thank you [Name]-sam, for trusting me. Let's be friends from now on," he smiled as you smiled back. But you completely froze when he whispered something. "Sano-san's behind you,"

As you were about to turn around someone forced you to stay by wrapping their hands around your waist and hurried their face on your neck. "Don't turn around, I'm still flustered on how you confidently say that you like me."

You then burst out on going red because you're so flustered that he actually heard you.  After a moment he turned you around and cupped your face.

"I thought I don't have chance since girls most likely rejected me. Im happy you return my feelings back."

About the rejection part, it just happened a while ago because my friend in elementary suddenly said he like me. This inspired me to write a shot about it, I feel so bad. Its been the 5th time I rejected a guy, I think I'm a bad person now.


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