Hoodie || Hanemiya Kazutora

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This Chapter will not include him as an Ex convict. He will be a normal student but still a member of Toman.

You were a student at Shibuya Middle School along with Takemichi, Hina and the others. Along with the founding member of Toman, Hanemiya Kazutora.

"[Name]-chan!" Hina yelled to you as you looked back and saw her with the other guys. "Konnichiwa" she said as she showed a small smile.

"Did something happened, Y/n?" Takemichi suddenly said as you freaked out a bit. "I-it's nothing, if you may" you replied as you turned back but Kazutora was able to grab your hand, making you wince in pain.

"As if you can hide it from me" he said as he rolled up your sleeve and saw some bruises. "Where'd you get that?" he ask as you just stay still and didn't said something.

"Let's go, we need to treat that" he said as he pulled you into their clinic.

"What happened to [Name]-chan?" Akkun ask as he looked over the direction Kazutora and you went.

"She used to be happy and cheerful, but all of a sudden. She became like that. Good thing her boyfriend always notice it" Yamamoto said.

"Let's go, we still have some class with Wisteria-sensei" Yamagishi said as the others nodded.

All of yoj went on the P.E. Ground as you train with did some physical fitness. "[Name]-chan, are you okay?" Wisteria-sensei suddenly questions as you then crack a smile. "Hmm ... I'm okay, its just-" your eyes widen as you were about to fall down only to be catched by Kazutora himself.

"Wisteria-sensei, can you please look for her bruises. Even I'm her boyfriend, I can't do that" Kazutora said as Wisteria-sensei silently nod.

"N-no, I'm fine" you contradicted making Kazutora look at you. "None of us were stupid enough to believe what you are saying, [Name]… Just taking a glance, we know you're lying" Hina said as you just look down.

"G-gomenasai" you apologized as Wisteria-sensei took you snd saw all of your cuts and bruises. Hina was with you, "[Name]-chan ... w-what happened?" Hina ask.

"I-I ... I'm a-afraid" you murmured making Wisteria-sensei look at you worriedly.

"[Name]-chan, I am your sensei. You can approach me as long as you want to. Please, be considerate. Not just me, not just Nakagame, not just your friends but also your boyfriend. He's so worried about you" Wisteria-sensei said as she slowly hugged you

"Ms. Joke-sensei ... I-I c-can't go b-back" you murmured.

"Then tell us"  a sudden voice came in making yoit eyes widen and saw Kazutora. "N-no, I-" your were cut off when Kazutora held your shoulders.

"Please" he said making you tremble, remembering all those events.

"Oi! Useless brat!" her stepfather said fully drunk. "W-what is it?" she ask as she then received a slap. "Useless brat!" he yelled as he countlessly slap and beat all the hell out her. Also using a whip.

"Yo, [Name]!" someone said as she turned her back and saw girls from the other normal school. Those girls who liked Kazutora for a long time now. They beat her up and make fun of her. Using various kinds of weapons to beat her up, almost killing her.

You were cut off when you couldn't take it anymore, silence and only your sobbing can be heard.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Kazutora ask as he approached you "Gomenasai!" you said as Kazutora hugged you and you hugged him back.

"Wisteria-sensei, can she live in my apartment because of this?" Kazutora ask as Wisteria-sensei nodded. "Yes, we can file a case about her father and file some complaints about those girls who beat her up" she said patting your head


While walking to their routes, the girls who beat you showed up. You immediately hid behind Kazutora.

"Look, [Name]'s with Kazutora" the girl who looked like their leader said. "Poor Kazutora, are you playing with her?" other one ask.

"I don't want something to happen here, better give us a way" Kazutora said tightening his hands with yours. "Of course Kazutora you can leave whenever you want but ..." the  leader said and use a bat to point you up.

"Leave that shit behind you, we'll finish her off for you" she continued. "[Name]" Kazutora called as he went and carried his you in a bridal style. "Hold tight!" he said as he run away from the girls since he doesn't want to create a mess. You're still at your break down so better avoid mess.

He then put you down you both entered his apartment, "Rest first, I'll go get something for you to wear" he said as you slowly nodded and went to the couch but ended up sleeping.

Third Person

"[Name], I got your-" he stopped but then smiled as he saw [Name] peacefully sleeping in the couch. "Must be tired?" he said as he carried [Name] to his room and lay her in the bed.

"I'm here to protect you" he said as he leans in and kiss her forehead.

Time pass as he waked [Name] up to have a bath and change her clothes. "It fits well" he commented while cooking. "Yes, it was. You've got a lot of hoodie, I'll better snatched it" she said and giggled.

Kazutora smiled at her as she put the hood in the hoodie Kazutora lend her to wear. "You cold?" Kazutora ask as he serves the curry he cooked. "Just a little" she said as she walked in the table.

"No need to keep secrets to me from now on, okay?" Kazutora said as [Name] nodded. "Yes, I'm sorry Kazu-kun" she said as she earns a headpat and after eating they went on bed and cuddled until they fell asleep and Kazutorq leaving a sentence [Name] won't ever forget. "I love you"

Originally, this should  be Shindo Yo X reader (BNHA Oneshot) but since I didn't upload  it. I just changed the name and  some of the events.


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