Entry 067: Rindou Haitani

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Rindou knew you had feelings for him, well you even shouted it in the rooftop one time when your friends dared you to do so. You're not shy when it comes to your feelings.

You're so honest about it, you're straightforward when it comes to your feelings as long as it's Rindou.

But you don't get honest whenever you got hurt on how he treat you. You're known as happy go lucky and having a frown would be new for the people surrounding you.

"RINDOU, I LOVE YOU!" You shouted the moment you saw him walking on the hallway with his brother beside him.

"Oya? I really pity your your unlucky admirer," Ran snickered as they continued walking.

As Rindou arrived his classroom, he saw a bento box you of course did for him. You're at the distance when you saw him pick it up and read what's written on the sticky note.

Expecting to eat it since you saw him open the lid. Your eyes widen as you saw him crumpled the paper and throw the food inside the bento box as well as the box itself.

You bitterly smiled as your turned your back, "What should I expect? It's Rindou after all," you mumbled.

You know that showing your affection to him would just made him irritated of you. He always give you cold shoulder.

Every effort, bento, flowers, letters, chocolates if it's valentines and many more would only end up in the trash can.

You spot him walking alone the hallway as you approached him, "Rind-" before you could even greet him and smack his back lightly when he turned around and slap your hands away. Like with a lot of force making you wince.

"Stop bothering me okay?! You're such a pain! Can't you tell that I don't like you?! You've been going around following me, you're not my tail! So fucking leave me alone!" He yelled at you making you tremble in fear.

It's his first time to burst out like that so it's scary for you, you also knew that he's a part of some gang so this made your fear go up.

"That's enough, Rin. [Name], I'm sorry for that, just give him time he's gonna regain his composure" Ran said making you nod and smile bitterly.

" .. yeah, I'll see you Ran," you said not bothering to give Rindou a wave.

After some hours Rindou cooled down, "You really lost your temper back there," Ran commented.

"Its her fault, she's been bothering me nonstop it's so annoying."

"Well let's see about that," Ran just said.

The next day, there's no you who always proclaimed how much you love him on the hallways. There's also no bento on his desk, no letters, there's nothing.

But you're there enjoying your time with your friends and you also don't pay attention to him also don't give him a glance.

You're just right there and he's there, it's like your love for him just disappeared like a bubble.

And this continued for days, and days till weeks, Rindou don't know why but it's been bothering him and because part of him was expecting for it to be there again but there's none.

Until he had enough.

It's your duty on cleaning and you were humming while cleaning the classroom window when suddenly a person took your hand and cornered you on the wall covering your mouth when you're about to shout.

You saw Rindou in front of you, the person cornering you was Rindou.

"R-r-rindou?" You stuttered as both of you suddenly heard student chatting, Rindou grabbed some part of the window curtain to block yours and his appearance.

When the student past the classroom he removed the curtain as well as his hands from your mouth bit still cornering you. "Why the hell are you avoiding me?" He asked making you gulp.

"I-I w-was not-!"

"Don't lie to me, it's obvious,"

"Its b-because ... y-you told me to leave you alone and don't follow you around so I just followed what you said to me .."

"Do you really think I meant it?"

"W-well, you suddenly yelled at me and it was your first time yelling like that so I thought you hated that! You can't blame me." You said to him making him sigh and mess his hair.

He then hold your hand, taking your bag as he drag you out the classroom, "Rindou, I'm not still done cleaning-"

"Its clean already" he said as you both left the campus while he's still dragging you.

"Where are we going?!"

"You love me right? I'm taking you on a date to made my shit up," he said.

The day afrer, both of you got scolded for leaving the classroom partially cleaned since it's Rindou's fault why did it happened.

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