Hoodie Ver.#2 || Baji Keisuke

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Dorm Au

The first one was supposedly 'Protect' not Hoodie. But since you guys liked it, I didn't changed it.


Your POV

"[Name]?" Emma ask as I looked at her while eating hot ramen. "Yes?" I ask as I continued eating.

"That hoodie .." she pointed out as looked at the hoodie I was wearing. "What about it?" I ask. "That's Baji's hoodie! Are you two dating?!" she then yelled in excitement as I spit the soup I was drinking.

"Just as I thought! [Name]! Don't you have any hoodie?" Keisuke suddenly said out of nowhere. "Lend it to me" I said while wiping the soup I spit out. "You almost had all of my hoodies" he reasoned.

"Let's go" he said and pulled me. "To where?" I ask as he pulled me up to his room. "We'll buy you hoodies" he said as he opened his room.

"Keisuke, even you buy me hoodies, I'll still get yours" I said as he looked at me puzzled. "Why?" he ask. "I-it's because .."

I can't risk everything!

"Because?" he asks as I awkwardly chuckled. "Just forget about it" I said as I took off the hoodie. "Here" I said as I run towards my room to get some hoodie which is obviously his.

I took a red hoodie and opened my room only to bump with someone. "G-gomen" I said as I bowed. "So damn cold" I murmured and passed that person without looking on who it was.

"Maybe I should buy some hoodies, Keisuke might barge in my room to get his hoodies. I'm dead" I said as I sweat dropped.

Someone took my hand and I looked who it was, "Keisuke? When? How?" I ask as he smiled. "You didn't even looked who you bumped to, idiot" he said as he flicked my forehead.

"Its you?! Gomenasai!" I apologized. "Your hand's freaking cold!" he said as he insert my right hand to his hoodie's pocket and intertwined it.

We sat beside each other and Emma was beside me. "Look! Now, Baji's wearing the hoodie you wore earlier. And that hoodie you were wearing is his!" she excitedly said.

"You two were even holding hands!" Draken said. "You two dating?" Chifuyu curiously asked as we looked at each other.

"No?" I said

"Maybe?" he ask

"We don't know" both of us said

"So sweet, they don't even know if they're dating or not!" Hina said while the two of us were blushing already

"Now, now, dinner's ready" Mitsuya announced as everyone went to the dining table.

Me and Baji ate still having our hands intertwined. Since I am lefthanded [A/n:Please assume, I, myself isn't left handed either] I can eat with him holding my hands.

"You two really don't plan on eating without letting each others hand, do you?" Smiley teased. "Just eat already" Keisuke said blushing as they continued to tease us.

I stayed at Keisuke's room to play video game with the others. Only the both of us left when, Draken winning the game.

"I should master it next time so I can win" I said as I lay down in Keisuke's lap and closed my eyes. "Ne, [Name]?" he called as I opened my eyes and saw him looking straight to the angle where he rest his head. "Hm?" I ask.

"Why do you always snatch my hoodies?" he ask as I chuckled. "It smells like you and its warm and big, that's why" I said as he looked at me. "Is that why you don't want me to buy you hoodies?" he ask.

"Yeah, I just love your scent. Besides, when wearing this, its just like you're hugging me" I said as I realized what I just said and slam my palm in my face.

Good thing it was dark inside since the light's off, he won't see how red my face was. I got surprised when he lift me up to sit and hugged me.

I got surprised but hugged him back and deepens my face on his chest as he lays his head on my neck. "I really like you" he said.

It makes me a blushing mess as he broke the hug and took my hands then insert it in his pocket. "I do like you, I just can't tell you since both of us had a quiet friendship so I can't just ruin it" I said as I looked at him.

He suddenly leans in for a kiss which made me shocked. It was short and simple. "Just sleep here, you can go inside or outside my room just don't steal all the hoodies I had" he said as I chuckled.

"Hai~ Hai~"I said and we cuddled to sleep.

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