Rainy Days|| Rindou Haitani

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🌹🌺Fluff and Requested🌺🌹

I decided to do a seperate one since I'm not used write Love Triangle or harem/revharem.

"Sup," someone greeted as they entered your classroom.

You didn't pay any attention to who it was since you're so busy listening news from your earphone.

"… now, for  the weather forecast. Heavy rains would be expected due to the─"

I was cut off when someone pulled your earphone. You looked up and saw Rindou, your enemy and crush.

"The hell?!" you spat out as he smirked and you glared at him. "Heh" He provoke and about to hit him when someone called you.

"[Name]-san, Shion-kun wants to talk to you" your class rep interfered as you gave Rindou a glare before walking outside your room.

After some minutes talking to him, you entered the classroom with a very red face. Making the other tease you, suspecting that Shion confessed.

Shion is your cousin, which everyone don't know. He gave you some matchmaking advice for you and Rindou. The matchmaking was intense since he explaimed every details why he matchmake you and Rindou.

As you went back to your seat, rain started on pouring. 'a heavy rain, indeed'

You looked outside and saw how the rain fall from the sky. "I forgot my umbrella" you murmured as the class started when Wisteria-sensei came in.

"Okay, we have an assignment and project since its about time. 2 person in a group. "Ran and Izana, Sugawara and Daichi, … and lastly  Rindou and [Name]" Wisteria-sensei announced.

You groaned silently as Rindou cheered. Probably, a teasing  time.

"Please pass" Wisteria-sensei requested and  every paper was distributed.

"You will make a lantern, one for the both of you. And write a small message for a certain in that lantern. We will display them at my office and light them during the night so, we will stay here at friday next week" she said everyone nod.

"Okay then, class dismissed" she said and everyone went to their partners and started planning. "[Name], where do you want to meet up?" Rindou asked as you groaned.

"At your house, after my club. You can wait for me, but if you can't then I'll go there myself" You answered. "Nah, I'll just wait for you. Where's your club room?"

"Arts and Craft" you answered as he nods and went back to his desk since  the next teachet came in.

After class you went to your club room to search for things you might use. "What are you doing [Name]-senpai?" a lowerclassman asked with her friends. "Just searching the arts and craft book for lantern. Its more detailed than to search in the internet" you answered as she nods.

"Rindou-senpai's outside" a girl said and starred fangirling Rindou. "Let's ask his number" a girl added as they left you.

You found the book and tried to finish your paper machete. After the final touch, you displayed it near the window, took your things and went outside.

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