Dear Editor || Matsuno Chifuyu

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This is connected to a chapter in Entry 057 || Manjiro Sano ft. LilSis. This is also a remake of a oneshot of Entry 063 || Chifuyu Matsuno. Also, Andy-cchiiiii if it's a mistake again, don't be shy to correct me again. <3


After being accepted by Manjiro and everything. You also decided to move on from Draken fully. After ending the book, You also decided to create a book where people could ask for help in every chapter. But it's anonymous.

They could tell anything without you knowing their identities.

You uploaded the next chapter of your book with the link where they can send messages to you anonymously.

Some were just minor problems but there's a long message that caught your attention.

-Uhm, hey! I just want to ask some advice about  my hopeless crush about someone. The truth is that, she liked one of his brother's friends and her sister liked that guy. I know she's hurting but I don't have the courage to go near her since I bet she really doesn't know me that much. I feel stupid writing this but I want to share this to someone.-

You stared at the message for more like 2 minutes as you smiled, thinking that it's like you were the girl this Anon with an initial of CM liked.

You then took a break and went down only to see the Toman downstairs.

"Hey!" You greeted taking their attention. They greeted back and went back on what they were doing. Mikey then approached you and patted your head as he asked you to do their snacks and you eventually agreed.  After doing it you then went upstairs. Being bored as hell, you decided typing on your keyboards to start the need chapter of your story.

Just as you then started writing a story so you could reply to them in the last part of the story chapter.

After writing your  reply to those greetings and simple favors and advice, you then proceed to type your reply for the anon CM.

//HEY ANON C.M.! It would be better to approach her. To at least make her get over that guy.  But it's not that you'll be a rebound.  It's a way of comforting and a chance for her to get close to you. But don't take advantage of it//

You saw the time on the wall clock and noticed you sure took your time thinking about some plots for the chapter you just uploaded.

The next day, the class started on Monday. Out of nowhere Chifuyu suddenly approached you. "Good morning [Name]-san .." he said as you smiled at him.

"Good morning Chifuyu-kun. Do you perhaps need something?"

"Uh, not really. I just want to accompany you," he answered while scratching his nape. "Sure, let's go?"

That's how he gets closure to you. You also got closed, to the person with initials of C.M. You thought you're just imagining things, but there's three people with C.M. in your class even if it is M.C. since they can just mix it up. That is Matsuno Chifuyu, Miyano Chikara, and Chitanda Mamoru.

But you set the thought aside. You yourself don't know but you felt that everything you're saying to C.M. is happening to you.

For the past 2 months of being with Chifuyu almost all of the time made you move on Draken. It also made you fall and get a feeling for the said lad.

But there's something that is stopping you, there's someone who also likes him in your class that is why you don't want to interfere.

"[Name]-san, do you want to go with me at the park?" Chifuyu said while the both of you were eating your lunch on the rooftop.

"Eh? Sure which park?"

"The amusement park, it's kinda more fun when going there at night than in the morning,"

"Sure, it's a date then," you mumbled making him choke as you also spit your drink on the side. "I-I-I'm sorry .... I-I ... I m-mean-"

"It's a date then." He then stated when he recovered from the food he choked. It made you stunned by his words.

He's blushing and wears his brightest smile to you making your heart skip a beat. "Y-yeah!" You said and nod as both or you finished your meals.

The both of you went on your separate ways so both of you could change. "[Name]? Where are you going?" Shinichiro said as he saw you on [casual clothes] and a hand bag.

"I'm going with Chifuyu in the amusement park." You said. "And you didn't tell me?"

"I told you and you just said yes." You said to him as he hummed. "Just the two of you?"


"Is he your boyfriend?" He suddenly caught you off guard. He is not your boyfriend but you like him a lot. But like hell you'll say that to Shin.

"Nope, he's not my boyfriend yet," you said making Shinichiro hum. "He's not yet your boyfriend, I see.." He said as you looked at him, also stunned enough to see him wearing his smirk.

"S-shut up, nii-chan!" You said making him laugh a bit and you left the house blushing.

You saw Chifuyu walking towards you with his casual look, you can't even identify if he is even a member of Toman because of his looks. "Let's go?" He asked as he lent his hand towards you, you smiled and accepted his hand as the both of you took your way to the amusement park.

Both of you enjoyed the booths and the rides in the amusement park, and for the last destination, The Ferris wheel.

Chifuyu paid for the ride as the two of you went inside. Soon enough, the engine of the ferris wheel started and went on to the top slowly.

"Woahhh..." You said being amused by the view. "B-by the way, [Name], I'm gonna tell you something...." Chifuyu stuttered.

"What is it?" You asked as he just looked away and went silent for almost a minute. Wondered by his sudden actions, you took his hand and held it in yours as you looked at him in the eyes and smiled at him, "No matter what it is, just don't force yourself to tell me if you're not yet ready."

"I am C.M., I was the one asking for help to get close to you," he said, my eyes widened even though I already suspected him to be C.M., hearing those words from him is still different than just guessing it.

"I-I just want you to know that I have feelings for you, I felt hopeless knowing that the girl I liked doesn't like me back... I accepted it, but I want you to know that even though I don't have a chance, I will still love you, be at your side..."

"[Name], I l-love—" he was cut off on his words when the fireworks display started. The both of you looked outside and admired the view of the fireworks.

"I love you too, Chifuyu."

His eyes widened and looked at you, there you are just looking outside, "I felt how sincere you are, I am so glad I met you and I am glad that we got close together. You might be  thinking that I should be sure of my feelings because of my past uncrush scenario but I know I am sure that this heart shouts your name."

Yahooooo, it's been so long... Did you guys miss me? Wisteria is back 💜

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